Sunday, August 4, 2019

Dave Pelzer on Larry King

How has this book affected you? Be specific. Cite examples from the book.


Allyson Sutton 1/2 period said...

This book has affected me because I now see how tough it is to go through what Dave Pelzer did. Although I have not been through child abuse myself, I still feel sympathy for him and anyone else who has been through child abuse. For example, when his mother would call his name and scream at him, I feel bad because to be told those things from ages four to twelve are horrible.I can not imagine going through the things he did and thinking that your mother hates you and does not love you. I am very thankful to have the life I have. I think it has affected me a lot and made me have more respect than I already had for my parents and family.

Allyson Sutton , 1/2nd period

angelia cheriza said...

this book has affected me because now i know how much my mother cares about me and wants me to have everything in the world i want because i'm lucky enough to have colthes new stuff food for that matter a good bedroom and bed to sleep in also a loving familiy who woild do anything for me because in this book david doesnt have any of this and is serverly abused an goes through depression so now i appreciate my mother and family more and cherish them i'm thankful to have them in my life and to have them there for me whenever i need them because david didn't in this book. angelia cheriza 1/2 period

Emily Decker said...

The book has affected me because it has really made me appreciate the life I have. I''m lucky to come home get food have someone care for me and not have to worry if I'm going to get beaten like David did. It said ' You are a nobody! An it!' That would ripe me apart if someone told me that, but David was strong and didn't let it get to him most of the time. In the book no one accept him. They would treat him poorly because the way he look or because he was always depressed. They never though how that would make him feel or way he was dress like that. That is way it is important to never judge people.

Emily Decker 4/5 period

Lilly Wharton said...

This book has affected me by opening my eyes to the harsh reality that some kids have to face. The part of the book that says “I hated Mother most and wished that she were dead,” makes me realize just how awful some kids’ home lives are. This quote makes me see just how much she really made his life miserable. This whole book makes me feel really lucky to live the life I do, and to have parents that love me and don’t abuse me and aren’t violent people. This book really puts other people’s horrible lives into perspective for me.

Lilly Wharton 1/2 period

Grant Broadhurst said...

"The Child Called IT" is both a good and terrifying story on one the worst child abuse stories throughout history. David has taught me throughout the book on how only not to pull through but to use what you learned and proceed. One of my favorite times was when David's only hope from burning on the stove was to wait for his brother to come home, and after he was thrown into the basement he discovered he can use time to his advantage and win. This shows that even at a young age he was thinking for himself and overcome anything his psychotic mother threw at him. Presently, David Pelzer can use his experiences to help those who do not know what to do.

Sabrina McKinney 4/5 period ELA said...

The way this book has affected me is that it made feel emotions that I haven't felt for a long time. When David was mad at the mother it made me feel like that too. When David felt betrayed by his own father it was sad. This book shows more emotional things than any other book I have even read. This is the one book that can show you how people see things through others point of view. This book mainly shows that some people can have a good home but there are others who don't have a good home. But we all have one thing in common there is a good day and there is a bad day but we can always have a good day cause if we try to fix a bad day to a good day then yeah.

Sabrina McKinney 4/5 period

Caden Musgrove said...

The book A Child Called “It” affected many people. This book affected me a lot. It made me think how we treat people. We don’t know how people’s home life are. When David goes to school he’s bullied by kids on top of getting beat by his mom. This makes David feel really bad. David is bullied because of his mother. She sends him to school smelling bad and his clothes were holer than swiss cheese. If i would see a kid like that before this book i would’ve judged him, but after reading this book if i saw that type of kid i would smile and wave. Our society always judges people by their looks and not their personality. I think more people should read this book to learn what people can really go through ,and how we should treat kids like David. Caden Musgrove 6/7th period

Dominick Barone said...

This book made be aware of kids that go through these problems. These things are serious tragedies in peoples lives. It made me be more respectful to my parents. I mostly was affected by being thankful that i have a family that supports me, feeds me, and most of all loves me.David isn't able to eat or be able to be loved by his family.
Dominick Barone 1/2 period.

Aden wadsworth said...

This book is a good book it tot me a lesion that I will remember for a long time to come and that you should all was remember that you can all was stick up for your self and that know matter what you should all was stay true to your self and that's why David all was come back from what ever happened to I'm he was not allowed to eat with the family butt he still tried Aden wadsworth 1/2 period


This book taught me from right and wrong. I still can't believe he is still alive and forgave his mom for what she did. This book was very good to read because if a person that's reading it is getting abused at home maybe they will tell someone before it's too late. And hopefully that person will get help and get that kid out of the house. David was probablt one of the bravest kids i have ever read about. He used his tiny brain to overcome his monster of a mom.

-Jessica Jenkins
6/7 period

Angel Chen said...

“A Child Called IT” might affected many people. This book taught me that, every single people is a living human. We can’t abuse, harass, and bullies them because everyone has emotion. After reading this book, I notice I should be proud I have a perfect family and spend more time with them. Every minute is precious. The quote ‘You are a nobody! But an “IT”!’ can hurt David really bad. That quote can mean you're nothing not even a human or you don’t belong here. His family, specially his mother treats him poorly. Thinking of his family to mine, I should cherish my family and everyone nicely.

Angel Chen 6/7 period

Unknown said...

The book a child called it has change my life I never knew that you can abuse someone that much and then forgive you after so long I feel bad for Dave pelzer because his mother just targeted him I think if u were going to abuse him why didn't she abuse all of them. David used his brain to overcome his mom and he still forgives her for all the bad things she did to him . I think that dave should have never forgiven his mom at least he survived the raft of his mother and is still alive to this day

Hayden Jones 1/2 said...

The book ''A Child Called It'' has affected me in many ways. I never thought anyone could get abused and tortured that much and live through it all. This book made me think twice about how I treat my family and other people. This book made me feel very emotional inside and at times it was horrifying. When his mother said the words,''you mean nothing to me, your an it," I thought that this Earth can be horrible. It made me think about how bad some kids' lives could be. The only reason he is alive is because he used his head by thinking of ways to handle each abuse. I can't even explain how bad these words would have hurt me if my mother said that to me. I am so happy to have the friends and family I have. I am thankful for everything I have after reading this novel.

Hayden Jones 1/2 period

Elizabeth Amos said...

The book " A Child Called It" affected me because I could not even start to imagine how a mother would do that to their own child. If my mom ever did that to me I would never forgive her. I also don't know how he forgave her. One of the things that she wanted him to do was lie on a gas stove and watch him burn. Even before that she wanted him to do that she took his arm and put it on the stove. Another time was when she wanted him to throw up what he had eaten for lunch to see what he had eaten only later to make him eat his own vomit. I don't even like to think of throwing up let alone think of me having to eat it. This book makes me thankful that when my parents get upset with me, the worst they do to me is take away my technology. Not all kids are so fortunate.

Caden Michalski said...

The book "A Child Called It" has affected me in many ways. It made me realize that things like abuse happen in many lives. It also made me be grateful that this does not happen to me. I have a great mother and I do not know what I would do if she abused me. I do not know how he forgave her, because I do not think I could forgive her. I feel like she should have been punished for her actions. The good thing from the abuse is That David Pelzer turned his life around and became a successful author and counselor.

xavier said...

The book " A Child Called It" affected me and changed my thought about child abused.i cant imagine having to get abused that bad and forgiving my mother.the worst punishment i think he had was how his mother wanted to put him on a gas stove ans watch him burn alive even though he could've died from that.Even before that she wanted him to do that she took his arm and put it on the stove.i diffidently dont like how she called her own child the boy or it I can't even explain how bad these words would have hurt me. this book and the author makes me thankful i have good parents not all kids are that lucky.

Kisean Clay said...

The book ''A Child Called It'' affected me in many ways it made me realize that everyone child doesnt have a great child hood like us who do and if you do have a good child hood dont ruin it and David Pelzer was abuised by his mom so much that he was just happy to live another day and he challenged his self to never give up and he wasnt going to by any means and child abuise is so wrong like i think its stupid to take your anger out on your own son because then what if he tells on you now your gonna be in a hole but bigger and i think that David Pelzer did a great job on not giving up on life or his self. But i thought it was crazy how he forgave her cause if that was me i wouldnt have forgave her for nothing and i wouldnt even talk to her and how could you love some one you hurt you so badily cause i couldnt.

Riley Green said...

The book "A child called it" by David Pelzer has made me appreciate my life more than I did before. It made me realize just how lucky I am. Like how lucky i am to have good caring parents. And how lucky I am to have good clothes and food on the table every day. It made me more grateful. Like how my parents don't make me eat diapers or put me on a stove. And put food on the table for me seven days a week. I was lucky to have siblings that love and care about me. And it gave me a new perspective on people in general. I now don't judge people by how they look or how they act.

Maddox Sliger said...

the book "Child Called It" by David Pelzer made me see a different perspective on my life. I never realized how lucky I have it until this book. This book has made me grateful for have a loving mom and dad that don't abuse me. I'm really grateful for food, shelter, love, and clean clothes after this book. In the book David had siblings that did care about him, so it makes me grateful that I have a caring brother that taught me how to play lacrosse. I feel horrible for David because he has a terrible childhood and he missed out on a lot of things.

Landon Rowan said...

The novel "The Child Called It" by David Pelzer let me realize how nice my life is. This book lets me realize how nice my life is since I get to eat three good meals a day. ALso my parents don't abuse me and are good parents. I am also grateful for having good siblings that are nice to me unlike David's brothers in the story. I feel so bad for David and how his life was so horrible that I could imagine living like he had.

riley moore said...

This novel, “A Child Called It,” by Dave Pelzer, has made me immensely grateful for all the little, various things that I have been blessed to have. Sometimes I am guilty of taking these things for granted. I am fortunate to have many things that David Pelzer did not have, such as a loving, sane family, nice clothes and meals, go to a safe school, and be in good health. Reading this book throughout this week has made me think and reflect on my own life and experiences a lot. I’m glad I read this book because it’s made me very grateful.

Cassandra cress said...
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Cassandra cress said...

The book, "A child called It," by Dave Pelzer, has affected me in many ways. It brought up a realization in my mind that this type of abuse and cruelty still live in secrecy. It made me feel grateful of the life I have and now I know not to take it for granted. It has shown me you can still become great with all these struggles, how you can survive such cruelty like the beatings or the gas chambers Dave received as a child. It truly does have a powerful meaning and Dave Pelzer passed the meaning on. He brought hope with this book who those who have read it. I am thankful as can be for reading the book. I am grateful to have clothes without, "Swiss cheese," holes. I am grateful to not be called as many names as David was or be bullied psychically like David was by his bullies. I am grateful I never have to steal like Dave did to live. I am grateful for what I have. - Cassandra Cress ELA 4-5th period.

Unknown said...

In the book “A Child Called It,” by David Pelzer, has made me view my life in a different angle. This book made me realize not everyone has it as good as others. It’s sad that to this day abuse like this still happens behind closed doors. In the book it shows how the mother is cruel by making David endure her “games” and lying to David by saying she loved him and that she’s sorry for what she’s done. I’m grateful to have a loving family and a nice house and clothes. I’m glad my mother and siblings treat me with love and care. It shows how you can take a lot of thing for granted but others have to salvage with what they have. I’m glad David got saved from his abusive mother and now enjoys life with his son and wife.

Aliannah Noriega-Freeman 4/5th period

Matthew Tilley said...

This book has affected me by making me feel horrible to know that David was abused and his mother didn't get in trouble.It would of made my day if I was there to help him.Now if he was abused today it would of been alot easier to get out of that mess he was in.In a way I feel that maybe he deserved it.Maybe he did something to make her so mad that she abused him 7 or 8 years.Just just maybe but I don't think we will ever get it out of him of what actually happen in his life because he might of been to young to remember.I mean he was 4 so its a possibility.What I really feel is that it was wrong and I wish there was something done about when it started.

Matthew Tilley 6/7

Gamefreak said...

This comment was posted by Gamefreak or Jude D. Conaway

This book shows how some kids had a hard time with drunk parents. But David had a mother who abused him so much that they had to make a law, so it didn't happen again. I can't imagine my mom telling me to get on the stove to watch me burn. Or even stabbing me with a knife. The best part of the book is that (if you see it this way) that God came through for him even when he hated and didn't believe in him. If you really liked this book David wrote two others about his life and another two books for something.

JaNiya Bartlett said...
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Nathan Robinson said...

The book in mind A Child Called It has affected me by understanding what child abuse can become and how you should respect anyone who has survived child abuse, I mean, just imagine your mom telling you to get on the stove so she can watch you burn to death. This truly made me greatly appreciate life from a different point of view. This affected me by showing me how important love is and how you have to show compassion in life or it is almost impossible to live. I mean that is just how much love matters.

Nathan Robinson 6/7th period

JaNiya Bartlett said...

This book has affected me because it made me sick reading how his mother had treated him. Going from the beatings to burning him to even poisoning him. I also know that no matter how much my mother yells at me, she still loves me. What David Pelzer went through was not something he nor anyone else should have to go through, no matter their behavior. No one deserves that kind of treatment. I understand that it wasn't a law to where you couldn't beat your children at that time, but she shouldn't have poisoned him by mixing Clorox and ammonia together or burned him by making him sit on a burning hot stove. She also shouldn't have taken away his food privileges, making him want to steal food at school from his classmates and other students.
-JaNiya Bartlett 4/5 period

Abby Greene said...

This book has affected me because now I know how lucky I really am. In "A Child Called IT", David was punished for no reason. Once, his mother tried to burn him on the stove for doing nothing. She just wanted to take her anger out on somebody. Unfortunately, it was David. Seeing David Pelzer go through everything that he did makes me think. What if kids at my school are getting abused too? This is why we have to be nice to everybody. They could be going through the same thing David Pelzer was going through and nobody would know it. Hopefully this book has shown everyone that you never know what someone is going trough at home.
-Abby Greene 6/7 Period

Serenity said...

The book “A Child Called It” affected me in many ways. It affected me most and made me realize how bad some kids are off in this world. For example, when his mother burned him over the stove, stab him, and forced him into the bathroom with Clorox and Ammonia, which is potentially fatal. The book opened my eyes to see how sick and cruel people can be to children and old people. Especially at a young age too, where they don’t know any better to not tell someone. It horrifies me to know that these things happen day to day in this world.

Serenity Battin 6-7th period

Trevor bigelow said...

The way that this book affected me was now I understand how lucky i am to not have abusive parents. From all of the beatings to even worse punishments like burning him on a stove and mixing toxic chemicals together ang making him sit in the bathroom with it. The author has me in awe that he actually forgave his parents when he was older, and this whole novel made me sick to my stomach thinking of me or my kids were David.

Trevor bigelow 6th 7 th period

Emma Sine said...

The book, A Child Called "It" has a very powerful and important meaning. This memoir by Dave Pelzer shows me the will and strength of one child. This book affected me by changing my perspective on child abuse and the severity of it. I had never realized how horrible and terrifying it could be. It is unimaginable to think that a child could go through such pain and trauma. I am extremely grateful that we now have laws to stop things like this from happening. I think that it is incredible that Dave Pelzer was able to share his story with the world.

Emma Sine 4/5 period

Sidney Taylor said...

this book affected me because it made me realize that life can get tough and it can really suck. This book has shown me to be grateful for the amazing parents that i have been provided with. I can't even imagine living like david had to. It is insanity. I also can't imagine how he survived living the way he did. I mean, his mom refused to feed him. I am very blessed to have a mother who can cook good food and she will actually feed me. I could never imagine how horrible his life could be if I was him. Getting beaten everyday and not being able to do anything about it. that would suck.

Hunter Faulkner said...

The story of David pelzer is a tragic story between a kid and a mother and a bit of the father. But the story has affected me due to the fact of that if my parents would’ve done that to me it would have affected me in ways I wouldn’t even want to imagine. And the dad should’ve gotten the kid out of there and not to have been such an idiot like the he was and should’ve gotten the kid out of there. Also he should’ve done something instead of saying he was then he didn’t and he just gave up and let the mom win the arguments and sneaking him table scraps he should’ve taken David somewhere and gotten him something or did something for him. By: Hunter Faulkner 1st- 2nd period

Devin Deem period 1&2 said...

the book is to try to survive. It is very terrifying of what he had to go through and sad of what hav had to go threw. his parent are mean and hateful. his parents should of not of done that. his parents could of went to jail is he told the teacher beacause the teacher would of called the cops as soon as the teacher got the news.

Nirel said...
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Nirel said...

The book effected me because it shows me that I have It good i have food ,clothes and a caring family It made me really mad when the dad just gave up It wasn't right to do that especially to your own son and the mother is terrible all she does is get drunk and takes all her anger out on her kids especially David.And we all say we have it rough because are parents won't buy us the things that we want but really we have easy we have things we have food we have fun and David had it really rough he couldn't have any of those things and all he really wanted was to be loved

Khadi Koanda said...

The book "A child Called It" by Dave Pelzer has a very inspiring story. It has changed some of my views on life. This powerful book has affected me quite a bit. Dave's story made me more appreciative of what I have and the love I receive from my parents. His experience showed me that I can get through anything, even the hardest parts about life. Dave went through so much, but he still overcame and rose above all of his trauma. In the book Dave was degraded by his by being called an It, but he still had a willingness to survive. This part of the book is very inspiring.

~Khadi Koanda 1/2

Ainsley said...

The book, A Child Called “It”, shares such an powerful story. It’s craxy to think how bad child abuse can be. Dave Peltzer was very brave and strong to have survived. It is also inspiring that he grew up to tell the world his story. This book made me appreciate what I have. Though I don’t really get along with my dad that well, he loves me. This book made me feel more sympathy for children in this situation. It made me realize how well it can be covered up and I should be more aware if I feel it’s happening to someone near me. The most inspiring part of the book is when he made the promise to himself that he will survive. He kept pushing forward even when he just wanted to end it all. This was inspiring because even though I don’t have as nearly a tough situation as Dave and I might not be wanting to die, but sometimes I needed a reminder it’s worth it to keep going.

Ainsley said...

The book, A Child Called “It”, shares such an powerful story. It’s craxy to think how bad child abuse can be. Dave Peltzer was very brave and strong to have survived. It is also inspiring that he grew up to tell the world his story. This book made me appreciate what I have. Though I don’t really get along with my dad that well, he loves me. This book made me feel more sympathy for children in this situation. It made me realize how well it can be covered up and I should be more aware if I feel it’s happening to someone near me. The most inspiring part of the book is when he made the promise to himself that he will survive. He kept pushing forward even when he just wanted to end it all. This was inspiring because even though I don’t have as nearly a tough situation as Dave and I might not be wanting to die, but sometimes I needed a reminder it’s worth it to keep going.

Ainsley Lilly 4/5 period

Caroline Logue said...

The book 'The Child Called It' by David Pelzer affected me because sometimes I'm mean to my mom for stupid things, but I know that she could be way worse like David's mom. The worst part was when she smeared his brother's poopy diaper on his face. If my mom ever did that I would nail her right in the nose. This book was also inspiring because I will know to be nicer to my mom because she's not that mean. I wish David's mother would have gone to jail for the awful stuff she did to him.

julienne raines said...

The book " A Child called It" by David Pelzer affected me by showing me there are people in this world that are psychotic and narcissistic. My dad is about half as bad as the mom in this novel if she was that bad in real life I would run but he's not that bad. I think that she is a horrible person that should never walk the face of the earth again and she should be tortured the same way he was for many years. This has shown me a new perspective on life because of how many things I have taken advantage of. -Julienne raines 1/2

Kate eshenaur 6/7 period said...
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Mackenzie Balzer said...

The book "a child called it" has affected me by letting me know I do not have the worse life. That whenever I feel sad I should just remember people have it worse than I do. People literally get beat by their parents every single day. But I cry over some stupid person. Like I am mean to my parents sometimes and I think them like grounding me is bad. But just imagine being put on a stove to burn as your mom watches you and does not care. I could never live like that.

Mackenzie Balzer 1-2 period

Audrie Smith said...

The book “A Child Called It” has affected me because now I’m aware of how bad some kids are treated and why child rights were put in place. One thing that really made me aware of how hard some kids have it was when David’s mother was telling him that she wishes he were dead. She didn’t want him in the family anymore, let alone alive. I can’t even begin to imagine how I would feel if my parents didn’t want me to be alive. Or even I didn’t feel welcome in my own home. I am now a lot more thankful for the rights of children that were in place following David’s abuse.
-Audrie Smith 6/7 period

Kate eshenaur 6/7 period said...

In the book "A child called It” by David Peltzer has shown me that there a lot of bad people walking on the face of this earth. It has shown me that a lot of people are two faced liars, that is why I don’t trust a lot of people especially nice people. Nothing in particular has happened to me but my friends have experienced some of this kind of abuse. I don’t know how it feels to be abused so I would probably be called one of the lucky ones but, I do read about it a lot in the books I read, and with those books and this book it has almost opened a door to my output on life to me. I feel like David’s brothers, watching him but not being able to help or say it’s going to get better. I just don’t know how to help my friends because I don’t experience what they do. What I have taken away from this book is that sometimes you can only rely on yourself and sometimes people just can’t help you. One other thing I took from this book is to forgive but never forget. It has affected me by showing me that life with get hard sometime home stress and sometimes school stress, but either way there is always a bright side. You just haven't seen it yet. - Kate Eshenaur 6/7 period

Lola Snider said...

Lola Snider 1st&2nd period
The book as affected me in an emotional way. It has made me realize that it is not funny to joke around about being abused. Abuse is no joke. It's absolutely horrible how alcohol can effect an adult to treat their child that way. I can't believe he still wanted to protect his mother after all of that too. It's all so surreal that it's hard to believe its a true story.

Unknown said...

How this book affected me was in many ways. One of them that affected me was how I see the world now and how thankful I am that my mom or my dad any family members at all treat me like this and just to think if they did I wouldn't even know in my wildest dreams. Two is i would never imagine anything like this happening to a person especially to a child. Three is who in there right mind would be able to do such a thing even if your drunk its just crude to do such a thing even when its your child you would think it would be harder to do it to your child but there are people out there that do this and have to deal with it every day.

Jozef Richmond 4th and 5th period.

Aubrey Dawson said...

Aubrey Dawson
6/7 Period

This book has affected me by showing what children these days could be going through. How cruel people can be to other humans, animals, etc. It’s sad how awful people can be. It taught me that even if your life is hard you can bounce back and rise up from evil. Such as when Katherine his mother made him out his arm on the lit stove and make him burn. Then she almost had him lay his whole body on the lit stove ,but he put smarted her and kept pushing until his brother came home. Then he that he would never give up on his will to live.

Josiah Jones said...

It affected me because I didn't know that life could be this hard
For a child his mother beat him alot, and used food as a weapon, made him sleep in the garage, and didn't, feed him I didn't know that drinking alot can mess with your mind. She stab him, made him wear a rip shirt for 2 years his arm was dislocated from his mother then she try to burn him a live.she acted like she loved him and cared for him but he said that anything is better then burning alive and he had hope then he gave up again because he thought he was going to deal with his mother until he's 18 years old his dad was scared of his mother and he made promise to David for them to leave he was lying but he was saved when he was in 5 grade.

Brazz Evans IV 4/5 Period said...

This book, “The Child Called It”, made me feel really sad for David. His mother was a terrible person. I can’t understand how a human being can do that to their own child. David’s mom tried to make David lay on a burning stove, starved him, and beat him almost daily. She backstabbed him 2, technically 3, times. I mean I can’t, and can see why he wanted to protect his mother, but if she had complete control of what she was doing, she’s just terrible. I’m so glad he lived to tell the tale and help other people. He must have went through so much.

Rhiannon said...

The book has effected me in many ways. It made me sick a lot of the time when all the stomach turning things happened. It made me more cautious to child abuse. It is sad that that lasted for so many years out of a perfect family.

Sarah Bulatko said...

This book had effected me by making me think about how good of a life i have. David would get brutally beat everyday and that made me think about how my life is not as bad as his was. I might get in arguments with my family and think that i have the worst family ever but when we read this book it made me think about how terrible some people around the world have it. In the book davids mother put him in a DIY gas chamber! David had a terrible life. I think about how much my family annoys me and treats me but i wouldn't even imagine how hard it was for David, i mean everyday this would happen. That is insane.

Sarah Bulatko 6/7

adora muncy said...

This is one of the most postive videos ive ever seen. Show that not matter what your going threw. Even what has happend in the past there is always something ahead of you.
Even thow what you may be dealing with now is bad look ahead at what is to come. Such an amazing video to show never to give up.

adora muncy said...

This is one of the most postive videos ive ever seen. Show that not matter what your going threw. Even what has happend in the past there is always something ahead of you.
Even thow what you may be dealing with now is bad look ahead at what is to come. Such an amazing video to show never to give up.

adora muncy said...

This is one of the most postive videos ive ever seen. Show that not matter what your going threw. Even what has happend in the past there is always something ahead of you.
Even thow what you may be dealing with now is bad look ahead at what is to come. Such an amazing video to show never to give up.