Sunday, August 4, 2019

September 11th Tribute 10th Anniversary (Lee Greenwood-God Bless the USA)


Sabrina McKinney 4/5 period ELA said...

The 9/11/01 was the worst day that ever happened to the country because of two planes that destroyed the twin towers and then the pentagon and another plane hit where "Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania." My mom was in school when it happened and her siblings were in school too. She said that they went to lockdown and when the first two planes hit. There is a total of planes that crashed was 4. President Bush found out about the attack he was shocked. On the news, it said that the planes probably took the wrong flight pass but when more started to happen people soon realized that it was a terrorist attack. President Bush was in a school reading to a class full of kids and thats when he got the news about the attacks.

Unknown said...

9-11-01 was a horrific day for all of America. There were two planes that crashed into each of the twin towers at different times and there was another plane that hit the pentagon. The last plane crashed into an open field. At first they were not completely sure what had happened but as it continued to happen they later realized it was a terrorist attack. As all this occurred my mother was at the house and my father was at work. My mother was also pregnant with my sister at the time. It was the worst day America has ever had to face. The world was forever changed.

Laney Stemple- 1-2 period

Hunter Faulkner said...

The 9/11/01 was one of the worst possible things that happened. This kin dove brought a little anger inside me but I will say that it is a very sad event that took place. And that it should not have occurred but it was also very wrong that it happened. Also when the pentagon was hit by one or the hijacked airplanes it was also a tragedy that it had happened. And also many lives were lost that day due to some people’s decisions to hijack the planes and do what they did. And that was in the past and hopefully that will never happen again especially that tragic of an event. By:Hunter Faulkner

Caden Michalski said...

On September 11th 2001, four attacks were made by the Al Quada terrorist group. Two hit the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, and one hit a field, possibly going for The White House. It is a very sad event. Because of this attack, Customs Enforcement, especially in the airports, is very more cautious and secure. The planes were hijacked and flown to were the group planned to attack. On the fourth plane the passegers fought back and got it to go in to a field, instead of somewhere that would have been more devastating to the United States.
Caden Michalski 6/7 Period

xavier said...

9/11 was the most worst tragedies that could ever happen to the united states and killed over 2,996 people and injured 6,000 others. The death toll included 265 on the four planes. this made me kinda mad but sad also knowing all the people and loved ones also heroes that died in 9/11 trying to help the tried people. my mom was in school in school at time near new York. even thought they were thinking of rebuilding the towers i think its bad idea because what if it happens again and even more people,loves ones and heroes dies.hopefully that will never happen again especially that tragic of an event.

xavier snider

Angel Chen said...

September 11th,2001 is the most terrifying day for most people. There were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group AL-Qaeda When two planes crashed into the twin towers (The World Trade Center), The Pentagon, and into the field of Stonycreek Township. Everyone wasn’t sure what's happen at first until the second plane crash to the second tower. It was a horrible terrorist attack, causing many officer and people killed and injured. My Mom and Dad are both at work and see the news on the TV. Because of the attack, all the airport is shut down, and many officers are given their life in to save the people in the building. It was the most horrible day for everyone.
Angel Chen 6/7 Period

Landon Rowan said...

September 11th,2001 was one of the worst tragedies ever to happen on U.S soil. Four planes were prone to crash that day because of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Two planes were crashed into the twin towers or better known as the World Trade Center.One plane crashed into the Pentagon and the other into some farming fields. The result of people injured or killed was 2,996 which shows how horrible this tragedy was.My mom and dad were quite close by in Connecticut and started calling loved ones. Still today this tragedy is one of the worse to ever happen and hopefully never again.

Masen Clemens said...

On the date of September 11th 2001 there was a horrific tragedy in which 2 planes flew into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and one crash landed in a field. Over 3,000 people died that day due to the terrorist organization that launched the attacks. My dad was in a college class whenever it happened and his professor's sister was in one of the towers whilst it was happening. 9/11 was the single most tragic event to ever occur in the United States and will never be forgotten, and will continue to be remembered by future generations of Americans. Masen Clemens 6/7 period

riley moore said...

On September 11, an attack was executed on the United States by the terrorist group Al Qaeda. They hijacked planes and sent them crashing into the Twin Towers in New York City. The towers tumbled to the ground killing over 2,000 people. My mom had just started working as a physical therapist for Marion County. She was told by fellow employees about the attack. The next few days afterwards there was no school. 9/11 was a tragic and scary time for all American citizens. Now we know that there could be more terrorist attacks in the future and we will be better prepared. -Riley Moore 4/5 period

Hayden Jones 1/2 said...

On September 11 2001, probably the most tragic event in American history took place. At 8:46 a.m. a Boeing passenger jet plane flew into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Everyone was stunned, it was a perfect clear day so no one really understood how you could miss one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Then at 9:03 a.m. their questions were answered. Another giant plane flew into the South Tower. It was obvious the planes had been hijacked, and it was a terrorist attack. To go along with this, a third plane flew into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. The fourth and final plane was supposedly heading for the White House, but it was taken down by the passengers. They saved hundreds of lives. When the first plane crashed, people had ideas that it might be an accident, but at 9:03 a.m., it was all clear. Over 2,000 people lost their lives, and hundreds of people were injured. This was a terrible event, and it forever changed American history. Hayden Jones 1/2

Nathan Robinson said...

9/11 is a day that went down In infamy due to the terrorists al-qaeda. What they did was crash into the twin towers, then another hit the pentagon, and one attempted to crash into the white house but the passengers prevented that, sadly 3,000 people still died that terrible day. My mom at the time was in the air force and she was arranging files, and all a sudden her co workers were screaming the world trade center was under attack, then they all ran to the conference room to watch and on the intercoms they said code red, then the whole base was barricaded, and they were getting the base ready for war, then my mom told me everyone was going to pick up there kids. Due to this story I will always remember this attack, and hopefully future generations will remember this day to. Nathan Robinson 6/7 period.

Drake Davidson said...

On September 11 2001 two planes hit the world trade center. Another plane hit the pentagon, and the last plane hit in a field in Pennsylvania. It was a very sad moment in US history. The highjackers were a group of terrorist and they killed over 3,000 American citizens with their acts of terrorism. When I asked my grandparents what they remembered from 9\11 my grandma said she was in a teachers training class and someone came in and told them to turn on the tv. All she remembered was looking at the tv and seeing the world trade center in flames. She had also had a friend at the pentagon when this event happened. He had been so scared he drove all day and all night to get home to his family.

Drake Davidson 4/5

Khadi Koanda said...

September 11th is a horrific part of American history.There was an attack from the terrorist group Al Qaeda. They hijacked multiple planes with mostly American travelers aboard. Al Qaeda crashed 2 planes into the twin towers in New York, killing hundreds of innocent people. They hijacked other planes. One plane landing in a field, which was suspected to hit the White House. During this time my mom told me that she was home watching my older brothers, who were babies at the time, and she saw all over the news about the tragedy. I feel that 9/11 will always and should always be an important part of history.
-Khadi Koanda 1/2

Unknown said...

September 11, 2001 was one of the worst terrorist attacks in United States history. Two planes hit the both of the twin towers. Another plane hit the pentagon, and the last plane was trying to hit the White House, but the passengers re-hijacked the plane and crashed into a field. This was an attack by the terrorist group Al-qaeda. Thousands of people lost their lives in this incident. My dad was at work when this happened. One of his co-workers came in and told him that there was an attack, so he listened to the news on the radio. Then at lunchtime, his entire work went out to lunch so they could watch TV, and they tried to figure out what had happened. They stayed at the restaurant for a few hours watching the news. Everyone was stunned that a normal day at work had turned into a tragedy.
-Abby Greene 6/7 Period

Dominick Barone said...

9/11 was the worst tragedy we could've ever have. The morning of 9/11 there was a plane that flew straight into the north tower.They thought something tragic then 3 more planes flew into different locations. Sadly thousands of people were killed from this terrorist attack. My mom was just moving into Fairmont from Morgantown on the trip of packing she about the tragedy and was frightened to death thinking our Country was in danger. 9/11 was a horrifying tragedy causing families and friends harm. Hopefully we will never face another terrorist attack this big.
Dominick Barone 1/2 period.

Unknown said...

On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers in New York were attacked by a terrorist group Al Qaeda. The hijackers crashed one plane in the pentagon and another crash landing in Pennsylvania. These acts of terrorism resulted in thousands of people’s life’s. When I asked my dad he told me that he was in Georgia at the time and was sleeping. He fell asleep when the tv was on and when he woke up he saw that the news channel was on. At first when he heard about terrorist hijacking the planes, he didn’t believe it at first. He then realised when the second plane hit that it was real and was shocked this would happen in America. No one in America would ever think or expect that this would happen and result in a tragedy of loss and sorrow. This event will always be a reminder of the people and hero’s we lost on September 11,2001.
-Aliannah Freeman 4/5 Period

Grant Broadhurst said...

On the Tuesday morning of 9/11/01 four coordinated attacks struck the country in a tragic way. All of the attacks were U.S. hijacked passenger planes, two of the planes hit the World Trade Center (Twin Towers). Within a few minutes another plane hit the pentagon, later another plane was finally retained and crashed in a field in PA. My dad was at work when he heard the news, the first thing he did was call my grandparents because my grandpa worked for the government and occasionally worked at the pentagon. Within a few hours America had lost almost three thousand loved ones. It was the most tragic and fearful in American history.
-Grant Broadhurst 6/7 p

Riley Green said...

Nine eleven is one of the biggest tragedies ever on American soil.There was about 3000 lives lost and about 6000 people were injured. It affected our country a lot because thousands and thousands of people lost loved ones. I think there are a couple ways we could have stopped it from taking so many lives. For one we could have taken down the planes before they reached the pentagon and the towers. If we would have had air force planes in the air and destroying them, we could have saved almost 2500 lives and 5800 injuries. Another way we could have stopped it was by warning the people in the towers so that they had time to get out or at least get on a lower floor so that even when the planes hit they could have still had a little bit of time to get out. I asked Mrs Pickens what she was doing and where she was and what she was thing when it happened. Her response was " at the time, I was a freshman in college and was just getting of the PRT at WVU and going to my dorm. I walked into the dorm lobby and everyone was huddled around the TV and watching." I asked her what she was thinking and she said " I was very scared because my sister was on a flight to Germany from Washington DC and I was scared of her flying right now with all that going on." Personally, even though i wasn't alive then, looking back on it is seems very devastating and cruel by the terrorist group that did it. And i cant imagine all the pain and heartbreak for all the lost loved ones.

Sidney Taylor said...

This massive tragedy effected the future of our country in many different ways. This act of terrorism caused our government to create the basis for the "Patriot Act," this act is an "anti-terrorism" law to help protect and better our country. The Patriot Act helps us to stay protected from future attacks because of government is keeping a close eye on us citizens by having more laws and stricter airport regulations to prevent another tragedy. I questioned my mother to learn more about her point of view. She told me she had had a surgery earlier in the week and just started to get back into the "swing of things." It was her first day back to school and she was in her computer class working on an assignment when is occurred. The videographers purpose of creating this video is for everybody to see what happened on the day of the tragedy, and for our country to never have a repeat of 9/11.

Jessica Jenkins said...

September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day for the U.S. The twin towers and the pentagon got hit by 3 hijacked planes. This whole tragedy didn't make the U.S. weak though, it just made us strong. My mom said she was watching TV at home in Martinsburg, WV when the news came on. That's when she saw the devastating news. My brother was only 1 at the time so he didn't know what was going on. My dad was at work, so he didn't know a thing. My mom actually has a picture of my brother in front of the TV with the twins towers on the screen.

Jessica Jenkins
6/7 Period

julienne raines said...

On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaida hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which triggered major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defined the presidency of George W. BushOn September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors.
As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767—United Airlines Flight 175—appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and onto the streets below. It immediately became clear that America was under attack. That was one of the worst days in history.-Julienne Raines 1/2

julienne raines said...

On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaida hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which triggered major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defined the presidency of George W. BushOn September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors.
As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767—United Airlines Flight 175—appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and onto the streets below. It immediately became clear that America was under attack. That was one of the worst days in history.-Julienne Raines 1/2

Serenity said...
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Serenity said...

9/11/01 was a tragic day for America. Two planes were crashed in the World Trade Center (Twin Towers). As well as 2 more planes hit the Pentagon few hours after and into the field of Stony creek Township. About 3,000 people were found dead and over 6,000 were injured. My mother was at lunch in her cafeteria when it happened. She saw it on the news, and everyone's parents came to pick their children up. She didn’t know what to think at the time. It was very scary for many New York citizens. That day will never be forgotten.

Serenity Battin 6-7th period

JaNiya Bartlett said...

The 9/11 tragedy affected the future because now we don't know who to trust, and we now have to be more aware of our surroundings. The US can protect itself from future attacks by handling more security and keeping a lookout of awareness. My mom was at work at the time, and she remembered all of it. She had been watching the news, then all of a sudden, one plane goes into a tower, then seconds/minutes later another one follows. Then the towers fall. Her impression was upset, angry, and scared. I think the purpose of this video was to give off information and a picture view of what went down in 2001 on September 11th.
-JaNiya Bartlett 4/5th pd.

Unknown said...

What is your name is? Paul Richmond

Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was working as a transport officer and dispatcher for the Mon County Sheriff's Department in Morgantown, WV.

What were you doing when you found out? I was working an extra shift for one of my coworkers who called in sick.

What was your reaction or feelings towards this? At first we got the news about a plane crash into the world trade center. Everyone thought it was just an accident. When the second plane hit, we knew that it wasn't and accident. Chaos erupted, in the whole department. Soon, I was the only person in the whole building answering phones for panic stricken people. I was getting my information from public radio, police radio, and the people I tried to help on the phone. It was overwhelming and felt like a bad dream you just wanted to wake up from.

What was the first thing you did when you found out? I was super busy for the next 36 hours and could not leave my post. I did manage to call Tina to make sure she was home. She was pregnant with kole at the time. She sent me more news through text.

Do you know anyone who suffered from this? Yes. I will never forget a telephone call I took from a panic struck man. He wanted a list of all HAMM radio operators in New York. His daughter worked in the world trade center and wanted to know if she was ok. You have to understand, cell phones were not as good as they are now. All land lines were jammed as well as cell phone lines. Many of the changes we have to improve cell phone service are a direct result of what happened on 91/11.

Why do you think the people did what they did? My new job reinforces this belief, so I will answer honestly. There are people in this world who hate America. They hate us for our wealth, our possessions, and our freedoms. There are people in this world who hate others, just because they don't believe the same things that they do. These two things combined caused 911. There are still people in this world that hate in the very same way. That is why people in our government that protect us had to become ever more vigilant.

Mackenzie Balzer said...

September 11 2001 was one of the worst things to ever happen in America. It has effected many families. During the attack the 2 twin towers got hit, the pentagon, and a random field in PA. At that time my parents were at work. My mom was also pregnant with my older sister Madi who was born a month later. Marron ,my other older sister, was 1 year old at the time. They remember watching the news and being horrified. They did not believe it at first. Then when the towers fell they were amazed. Finally when they found out it was an attack they were mad.
The point of this video was a memorial to the tragedy and it was to remind us what happened.

-Mackenzie Balzer 1/2 period

Kate eshenaur 6/7 period said...

My grandmother’s name is Kathryn Jacquez. She told me was was in school, in the main office at the time when the band teacher rushed in and told them that a plane just crashed in the first twin tower. She told me that at the time she was not scared or crying but numb. She was numb and in disbelief and shock. She said after she heard the news she went back to her room during her planning period and turned on the small tv that was in her room. Everyone back then had a small tv in their room and everyone had it on. That was the first thing she did when she found. Her answer to the next question was an answer that everyone could have said her words were “ everyone lost someone or something that day” it hit me that it was very hard for her answer that question which I think it was hard for everyone to answer that question. The next question was “What do you think the people did what they did?” She answered saying that “this tragic accident was a symbolic attack to show America that they were not as strong as they thought, because America thought they were untouchable on their little piece of this big world. If it weren’t for the brave souls on flight 93 than it would be even worse. They had time to text,message,and call their loved ones before they overtook the plane. They ended their lives to save so many other people. I went to the monument in Pennsylvania and it is the most breathtaking and memorable place I have ever been.” That is how she finished it I think people did what they did because they had good hearts and knew that it was the right thing instead of sitting there and doing nothing.

Caroline Logue said...

September 11, 2001 was one of the most scariest days in American history. Two planes crashed into the twin towers in New York, another crashed into the Pentagon and the last one crashed into an open field in PA. Everyone was so amazed that it was a terrorist attack. Who would do this? The terrorist group that planned this attack was Al Queda led by a Osama bin Laden. During the attacks my mom and dad were at work and they met up at a restaurant near my mom's work. The restaurant was closed at the time, but they opened it up to let people watch the horrific attack. The frightening events of September 11 changed America forever.

Caroline Logue 1/2 period

Unknown said...

9/11was a horrible tragic event where the twin towers were attacked and many many people died on this don't which was a Tuesday my mom and her friends and sister were at school and president Bush was reading to a class when he found out about the attack also other places got hit and people that were in the buildings were deciding to just jump out of windows instead of burning cause they thought it was the best way and people that died for many different causes for sui idea to burns this event was the worst that had ever happened. This is Angelia cheriza's 1st period

Devin Deem period 1&2 said...

September 11, 2001 was one of the scariest terrorist attack that ever happened in the U.S.. Everyone was scared, because the first tower was hit, then the second tower was hit. Then the Pentegon was hit and a plane crashed in PA. Mass panic spread all over the United States as shopping centers, school, air ports, and so many other places were on lockdown. Many people were injured and died on that day as ashes filled New York. All the fallen men, women and children will never be forgotten.

Unknown said...

landen barkley period 1/2

What comes to you mind when you think of 9/11? Probably one of the worst days in history of the US. My parents stories are basically just a normal day for my mom she went to the tanning bed in Rivesville and on her way home she heard it on the radio so when she came home she had to know more so she watched the news. All of the stories of the people in New York were so sad because it was mostly people either that jumped or burned but not many people got out except for the people on the bottom floor. Next people stared having stories on how there dad or someone in there family was in the building or right beside it in one of the buildings next to it. So good thing the fourth plane couldn't take anymore lives.

Evan Smith said...

September 11th, 2001 is one of the horrific days to some people. Four coordinated attack’s were suppose to happen which 3/4 did. Two of the planes had it the World Trade Centers, and the other one had hit the pentagon, and the last one was suppose to hit the White House but the planes passengers had over run the terrorists and crashed the plane into a Pennsylvania field. Mean while all this was happens our founding president at the time (George W. Bush) was at a school talking to 1st graders. Mean while my parents which my mom was at home watching it all happen my dad was on the way home from getting into a fight at work. But, the point of this video is to remind us that on September 11th, 2001 will always be a day of sorrow and remorse. R.I.P. to all the people that lost there lives on that day and after fighting to get revenge and keep in mind we’re still in war with the Taliban to this day.

Josh Wilson said...

September 11th, 2001 is a day America will never forget. It was a terrifying and utterly tragic disaster. Four airplane attacks were planned for this day; one plane crashed into each of the World Trade Center towers (AKA Twin Towers), the Pentagon- which is located in Arlington County, Virginia, the White House- located in Stonycreek Township, and the capitol of the U.S.- located in Washington D.C. The fourth attempt never occurred. It was a devastating day for everyone, thus creating havoc and fear for long after. This was four of not many attack types: aircraft hijackings, suicide attacks, mass murder, and terrorism. The president at that time, George W. Bush, was reading to a class of first graders during the attack. He was notified in the classroom and he didn't leave, so that the kids wouldn't freak out. They had no idea about the al-Qaeda attack, they were only 7. It was a devastating day for everyone who witnessed it, and I can't even imagine being one of the people who knew and loved the people who died during the terrorist attack. It caused great disruption of usual function across America, because no one was quite sure where they'd strike next.

Kisean Clay said...

September 11,2001 was a day to remember many people lost their lives that day alot of people tried to save people and and lost thier lives doing so and the the people that did that were labled as heroes and they did the best they can that day and we were attacked by a foriegn country and they did what they wanted which was to take lives away from Americans so thats why that day is so important to us U.S citizens and we dont want anything else like that that to happen again it tore us apart and we lost alot of people some of us lost our dad our mom,grandma and more and thats just a sad day to remember.