Thursday, August 4, 2016

10 Bizarre Deep Sea Creatures

Does this give you comfort at the beach? Do you swim in the ocean? Do you like the beach? Which of these creatures is the creepiest? Which ocean do you travel to?

1 comment:

Nicky said...

The definition of humor is the quality of being amusing or comic. You can express this by laughing and smiling. One day when I was little I thought it was a good idea to try to paint the dog. I got paint everywhere and my parents weren't happy even though they got a good laugh out of it. It took about a week for my dog to get back to normal color. Also one day when I was really little I thought it would be fun to jump the stairs on my Clifford The Big Red Dog car. I wasn't hurt except a few bruises but when it was over with everyone laughed about it. From that day on my grandma put a fence to block the stairs. In both of these situations everyone who knew about it had a little chuckle. Nicky Keefover 4-5