Thursday, August 4, 2016

Funniest Football Fails

Can you share any funny failures or bloopers that you have seen in gym class, on a team or with your friends.  Why are these fails funny?


Unknown said...

Lots of people have bloopers every day. Whether that's in sports, gym class, or just random people. But I remember this one time there was a blooper at a football game I was at. So what happened was it was half time and the band was performing from the opposing team and they had girls who would throw the baton in the air and do tricks with them. And this girl was doing tricks with the baton and she kept on dropping it and messing up. It was really fun. This is a funny fail because it's not that big of a deal. And there are more serious things in life then just a little mistake.
Avery Rohrbaugh 6-7

Unknown said...

This video that I saw was extremely hilarious. The bloopers that I seen they weren't that bad. I couldn't stop laughing through the whole thing. The most funny that in the video was when the kid got hit in the face by a soccer ball.

Unknown said...

One of the funniest sports fails that I have seen was during T-ball. One time, there was this kid named Nate who had just made it to 3rd base. The next play, the batter hits the ball and everyone starts running. Nate, although starts splashing around in a mud puddle, and not even noticing the play. Another sports fail was on my soccer team where a teammate was chasing after the ball. Soon, he got closer and right as he was about to get the ball, he tripped and didn’t help at all.

Unknown said...

Personally, this video was very funny considering I play sports. The funniest fail I have seen is actually one I did. So, I was playing in the Little League State Championship for baseball. I play a position called catcher, and you get the ball every play. The pitcher throws it and you catch it. But, when I was throwing it back, the pitcher wasn't looking, and it slipped out of my hands. The hard ball hit him in the chest. Thankfully, I didn't throw it hard so it didn't hurt him. Another funny fail I saw at a basketball game. A person shot it and thought he made it instantly. So, he turned around and started celebrating. He missed the shot and everyone started laughing at him. The first fail was funny because it is something I laugh at, because it happened to me. The second one was funny because he was high fiving his teammates, but he missed the shot so he celebrated for nothing.

Caden Miller
4th-5th Period.

Unknown said...

Yes, I can share some funny failures/ bloopers from gym class. It was in like 6th grade and we were playing soccer and I went for the ball to get it for my team and I was kicked in the face. It hurt really bad because it was a soccer player who kicked me in the face also. In the 5th grade we were playing basketball in the gym and Gregg was playing basketball in the gym and he shot the ball and missed it and it came baxk and hit him in the face. The best part about bloopers you don't plan them they kinda just happen and when they do they are hilarious very hilarious at that. These are funny because during a blooper you are mad during the moment and then after you turn around and laugh because you then realize how funny it was. So yes I have seen bloopers and I have been involved in some bloopers in my life time in gym class.

Unknown said...

Funny failures and bloopers happen everyday. One day, we were getting on the bus to go on a trip. When on of my friendswalked up the stairs to the bus she tripped and fell. It was not that big of a deal so we just laughed it off. It was one of the funniest things I've seen. I am sure more funny things have happen to me and others. Fails such as this are funny because they are things that could have turned out worst. They don't though so it gives us a reason to laugh. These things aren't a big deal, they are easy to get over and laugh off.

Zyiah Bailey

Unknown said...

Everyday people make failures, sometimes there funny others times they could become an injury. Many people find a good laugh when someone else gets hurt including myself. Seeing others in pain could be very funny but when you are the one in pain, it's usually not to funny. I went to one of my friend's house and we were playing with a football, passing it back and forth because we had nothing better to do. One friend pushed my other to the ground (not from playing football but just for no reason) and ran away thinking the one would chase him. I had the football and through it at him and hit him in the back of the head. He fell down and started laughing. It was the best throw I ever made, but it was hilarious and a great example of karma.

Logan Zuchelli
pd. 1-2

Unknown said...

There have been many funny misunderstandings in my life. One funny failure that stands out to me was when I led a couple people from my cross country team into some tall grass during practice. We were on our way back from running on some trails in the woods and I was in the front. I wasn't familiar with the way back but when we came to an area with tall grass, there was a little area on the side where you could've passed without going through the grass. I decided to just go straight instead of going around. A couple of other girls followed me and we all got cut up. At the time it felt stupid and dumb of me to go that way, but now when I look back to it it is kind of funny. It was a good "blooper".

Ella Broadhurst
6/7 Period

Unknown said...

I can't say I've done some of the things from this funny fails video. I found the video funny because of the poor mistamistakes made by people. Getting hit from a monster lineman did make the most laugh come out of me. The video was very dumb,but entertaining. Seeing this video has made me think of some funny bloopers that could happen between me and my brother.

ZaQuan George said...

I remember there was this one blooper or failure in gym class where we were playing volleyball and someone it the ball and hit another person in the face when they tried to catch it. It was funny because seeing people getting hurt is really funny but not when it could harm there health though.

Unknown said...

I felt the funniest part of the video was when the guy who said "Get off my lawn!" and the soccer player outside kicked the ball at him. I think people find this video funny because people enjoy other's failure for some reason. When I was about nine or ten, I was playing soccer with my mom. I was the attacker and she was the defender. I was dribbling towards the goal and then did a scissors. My mom then fell over and landed on her elbow, causing her to chip it. She said it was really painful, but I thought it was funny because I was a dark and twisted child.

Unknown said...

I do not remember any funny fails that have happened in gym class over the years. I do, however, remember many things from my time playing soccer that I think are worth sharing. One time, my best friend and I were n opposing teams. We were both playing striker in this one specific game. I had the ball and she came charging at me. Our legs twisted together in one way or another and she was sent flying through the air. She landed in the deep mud and we both began to laugh and eventually everyone on both teams joined in. I guess seeing other people in pain is hilarious to a variety of people.

Khyree Morris said...

I can share many stories about me doing something funny during sports. Especially from last year. I remember one day I went to kick a kickball and I kicked too early and missed the ball and fell. Everyone was laughing at me and I laughed with them. It was very funny. I have had many funny accidents when it comes to sports but that one’s my favorite because everyone was laughing. Many people have had funny failures towards sports or anything. You can mess up on anything and it can be funny.

Unknown said...

Bloopers are events that randomly occur. No one can plan a bloopers. It just happens. Last year, in gym class, I was kicking a soccer around the gym. I was just messing around. I tried to kick the soccer ball in the air. I ended up slipping and falling on my butt. It hurt so bad. This was funny because I could have easily avoided falling down.

Jayden Richardson 1st/2nd period

Unknown said...

People make mistakes but it is just funny sometimes but other times its not can you remember how you fail too so why are you laughing at someone else failure. I have plenty of times where I fail messed up had a blooper but one time was in gym I was passing the soccer ball and I went to kick fast and I here it comes you will never believe it I missed the hole soccer ball my friend and I laughed it was so funny I had taken a few steps back ran up going to kick it as hard as I could and I just missed the ball it stayed in the same place I didn't even tip it. It was so funny we just laughed. Bloopers are funny because it was a total mistake.

Kirt Drennen 6/7th

Unknown said...

I've obviously never seen bloopers that can occurr in the gym, but I have done some pretty messed up things. Like when I tried to shoot a basketball and it didn't go in to the basket, or when it lands unexpectedly on your head or something like that. Well, all part of being blind and having curiosity as to how to do something I knew everyone else could do in sports terms.

Brenden McFarland said...

I've seen plenty of people get hit in the face from a soccer ball at least once every gym class. Including myself but this one kid got hit in the face every day. Even if you don't think it's about to happen near the end of gym class just out of the blue somebody has to get one last kick wether that be a soccer ball or football but it was like it life goal was to hit that one person. It became a ongoing joke last year also.

Unknown said...

I have seen many bloopers in my life. They happen everyday to people. Most of the time these occur in gym, sports and everyday life. Last year in gym class one of my peers tried to jump up and touch the basketball hoop from the bleachers. As he went to grab the bar, his hand slipped and he fell backwards and hit the hardwood head first. It was really loud. He could've cracked his head open. He said he was fine but we could all tell he was lying. These fails are funny because they could've turned out worse. They are mostly funny because it didn't happen to us. It wouldn't be funny if it would happen to me.

Sierra Flowers
6/7th period

funkywhite said...

There have been more than one time that i have seen someone have a funny fail. They can be in school or at school events or even just in public. One time in gym class it was a free day and almost everyone was shooting basketball. A person was going to get their ball when all of the sudden a ball that someone else shot cam down and hit him right on the head. Most fails are funny because they never are that big of a deal and later on you can think back and laugh at what you did.

Kyle Brubaker 1st/2nd

Unknown said...

Bloopers are funny things that happen unexpectedly. I have witnessed many hilarious bloopers. One that I definitely remember and will never forget was when I was in the fifth grade and my gym class way playing a game called ultimate kickball. The kicking team lined up and kicked a ball and ran to the other side of the gym without being team. So my team was up to kick and one of my teammates kicked the ball so we all ran. I got to the other side but when I took my last step I looked over and tripped. I hit my head on a table and had a very big bump on my forehead. When it happened it hurt bad but now when I look back at it I laugh so much. I think these fails are funny because they are unexpected acts that make people laugh. Sometimes you might not laugh at the fail when it happens but when you look back you will.
Aaron Kovack 4th-5th period

Unknown said...

I have seen a lot of funny fails during sports. Recently a knuckle head known as "Zach Toothman" thought it would be a funny idea if he turned off all the lights during basketball practice. It was all fun in games at first then we tried to turn them back on and they wouldn't. It turns out that it takes like ten minutes to heat up and turn on so it was dark and our coaches were mad. We had to run for the rest of practice.

Kierstyn Ensminger said...

Yes I have made a lot of mistakes sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are not. One time I was in a volleyball game and I fell wrong and hurt my wrist badly and that was not funny. There are also some funny bloopers like falling over my feet in the middle of Walmart and my mom started to laugh at me and then I laughed. That is one of my bloopers moments. Kierstyn Ensminger 4-5

NickClifton26 said...

I have seen alot of funny fails/bloopers. So many that I can remember so many and the funniest that I have seen was when I was in gym class and we were playing basketball a few years ago and someone got the basketball tossed to them then they went to try to make a cool move then cut back and fell. Personally I thought that it was hilarious because their reaction afterwards was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing. A lot of failures especially happen in football and I haven't really seen alot of them myself. Fails are fun to watch and can enjoy watching!

Abby Tillema said...

I've seen a lot of funny fails in gym class and sports. I have been the source of many of them. I remember that one time, I was a t volleyball practice and I thought I had my knee pads pulled all the way up, but they were only pulled up to my calf. I went to dive for a ball, and I got nasty floor burns on my knees. After that, whenever somebody didn't have their knee pads pulled all the way up, we would say " don't pull an Abby". I believe fails are funny because they remind us that everyone messes up and that's okay.
Abby Tillema
4/5 period

Chloe Johnson said...

Bloopers happen in everyday life. They can't happen on purpose, only on accident. I have had many bloopers happen when I played soccer. I was in about first grade when this blooper happened. I was running to kick the soccer ball and I set up my feet. Then I went to kick the ball and I totally missed it. I fell on my back and started to laugh very hard. This was in the middle of a soccer game so wveryone else was laughing as well. This fail was and always will be funny. This is funny because it wasn't planned and it happened so fast. Sometimes you won't laugh when it happens because it hurts, but when you look back on it, it will make you laugh.
Chloe Johnson
6-7th period

Unknown said...

I have had some funny failures happen to me. I have seen some people, sometimes miss the ball when they go to kick or hit it. It is really funny when this happens. I have been hit in the face by a football a few times in gym class. It really hurts, but you get over it and it is funny. I have accidentally scored a goal for the other team in soccer, when I was trying to defend the ball. It bounced off my foot into the goal. I have seen other people fall running hurdles, but luckily I have not done that yet. At first it seems really embarrassing, but later on it is funny once you get over it.

Eden Williams
4-5th period

Unknown said...

Bloopers happen unexpectedly. Considering that I play soccer, I have had and seen many bloopers happen. One time at one of my soccer games, I was sprinting to the ball to get it before the other team got it. Shortly before I got to the ball, I tripped over my own foot and fell. Then everyone started laughing. Overall, bloopers happen in every day life. said...

I have seen fails and bloopers and sadly I think it is funny because people get hurt. They probably watch it and think they are funny afterward though. I personally think that kids fails are funny and vines sometimes are funny. bloopers happen on accident and I have never ever caught a blooper. I got a picture of my cat yawning and laughed all night. It was at the perfect moment.:) Yesterday I started walking out of my room and I hit the wall and bounced off the door. Even though it hurt looking back it was pretty funny.

Olivia O'Connor said...

I have seen many failures/ bloopers, but probably the funniest that I have seen and was involved in was at a dance competition when I was on stage doing my big group dance. One of my really close friends named Zoey was really nervous once the dance started, and towards the end of the dance she forgot it when she was the was in the wings. Since she forgot it, she forgot to go on stage and when she realized that she did a baseball slide onto her knees onto the stage, but when she did the baseball slide she did it right into me and everyone on stage started laughing but the dance competition let us restart the dance once they realized what happen. In conclusion, funny failures are funny because you see the clumsy/ stupid side of people all because of an accident.

Olivia O'Connor 4th/ 5th period

Unknown said...

bloopers are funny when they happen. The worst one that happened to me was when i was playing basketball and the ball was shot and it hit the backboard and hit me right in the face. It really hurt. Everyone on my team and the other were laughing and so was I.n It was probably the funniest thing that happened to me.

Abby Tomana said...

I have seen plenty of funny failures, but the funniest one I saw was on a field trip. I was walking beside 3 of my friends in a group down a hallway. The field trip was at a college so there where plenty of older people there. There was a guy walking by and my friend started staring at him. She didn't stop looking at him and kept walking. Directly in front if her was a pole and she tripped right over it. I couldn't stop laughing. I thought it was funny because it wasn't really that big of a deal. I guess it is what she gets for checking out a guy who was much older than her.

6th&7th period

Unknown said...

I have seen many funny failures or bloopers in my daily life. It’s funny as long as no gets hurt or if they do get hurt you can laugh about it later down the road. I am pretty clumsy so a lot of times these bloopers involve myself. I was in a play once and they told me to move stage left and I fell right off the stage. I hurt my knee and my pride but we all laughed about it. I have also tripped going up the stairs a few times at school. I feel if I can’t laugh at myself I shouldn’t be allowed to laugh at others. On line you can look up cheer fails. When I cheered and tumbled, my teams had many of those failures learning something new. It makes learning fun at least.

Ariel Stern
Period 4/5

Unknown said...

I see funny bloopers in my life on thee regular. sometimes life doesn't go as expected sometimes it can be funny like the ones in this video here. in gym sometimes when your running you someone fall or see someone else fall and that's out of the ordinary and is a good shake up so you laugh. or maybe even at my house bloopers like when you stub your toe witch is the worst fate anyone can ever have except of course accidently stepping on Legos and people will laugh at your pain because for some reason ad we are human that is funny to us. I think these fails are funny because we can laugh at someone else's misery and be thankful its not us because as a species we are like this laugh at someone else's misfortune and it may not be right but its a thing that happens.

Isaak Guentert 4th-5th

Unknown said...

One specific failure that I remember happening involved me and the way I sneeze. It's a running joke in my friend group that I sneeze like a kitten, and it is very difficult to be taken seriously when your sneezes sound like those of a small feline. Anyway, this whole joke began not due to the sneeze itself, but the way I responded. We were having a relatively normal conversation when it was suddenly interrupted by one of my sneezes. Being the infuriating people that they are, my friends burst out laughing. I responded by shouting "I am not adorable, dang it!", which was followed by, you guessed it, another sneeze. Let's just say it didn't really help my argument, and they'll probably never let me live that down. This failure in particular is funny because of the irony involved. There's actually a theory as to why these things are considered funny, called "incongruity theory"; because something you wouldn't expect to happen actually does happen, your brain perceives it as humorous. In addition, people can easily relate to and laugh at failures involving speech, since chances are they've experienced a similar blooper in their own lives.

Taya Sullivan
4th-5th Period

Unknown said...

Bloopers happen everyday and are a part of life. One blooper that i can think of was when I was laying with my dog and he started to stretch his legs out. I was already close to the edge of the bed so this wasn't helping. He kept stretching out enough that I fell off the bed and onto the floor. My parents came into my room and asked what was going on. I told them what had happened and we laughed for awhile after. It was funny because my dog didn't know what he was doing and just happened to push me off the bed.

Alisha Hayhurst 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Bloopers happen often to anyone. A particular funny moment was when my sister dropped a pencil sharpener and screamed. It was so funny. I laughed until my stomach hurt. Bloopers are funny because they are not expected. They cause us to laugh when we least expect it which makes it a blooper. Bloopers are accidents that are funny to us. It's nice to see and experience Bloopers when they happen.

Unknown said...

Bloopers and funny failures happen to everyone when you least expect it. I can laugh at almost anything even sometimes the silence in a scary movie, but the thing that absolutely makes me hysterical is when someone falls for no reason. Sometimes I feel mean but more than half of the time I am laughing at myself falling. I laugh specifically at these little falls and trips because they would be easy to prevent if I or anyone else would be paying attention. That is what makes falling especially funny because you could be living in your own little world, and then bang you are lying on the floor. Some falls just like mistakes are sometimes huge, but then there are the falls and mistake you can just rub off and laugh a little.

William Burns 1/2 Period

Unknown said...

I have had many fails in my life. All of them were very funny and amusing. One that I can easily remember is the time that I tripped over my shoelaces in kickball in gym class. I remember it so easily because I was very embarrassed. Now that I look back on the experience it is very funny to me.

Angelo Manzo 4/5

Unknown said...

Everyone has bloopers and funny moments. One that I recall was in gym class when someone got kicked with a soccer ball in the stomach.All of the class laughed and so did they. Everyone always will have little things happen like that. It happens to everyone sometimes. Elaina whiteman 1/2

Unknown said...

Failures and bloopers are a daily occurrence for almost everybody.. One day, we were getting on the bus to go on a trip. When on of my friendswalked up the stairs to the bus she tripped and fell. It was not that big of a deal so we just laughed it off. It was one of the funniest things I've seen. I am sure more funny things have happen to me and others. Fails such as this are funny because they are things that could have turned out worst. They don't though so it gives us a reason to laugh. These things aren't a big deal, they are easy to get over and laugh off.

Emilio Maset 6/7

Unknown said...

During this video I was laughing so hard, even though I've seen most of them before. Last time I can remember we something like this happened was my sixth grade year in gym. A kid decided to take his shoes off and play kick ball. He kicked the ball and ran to first base and we he tured to go to second he slipped and face planted. At first we were scared that he could've been seriously hurt but he was ok. As soon as we found out he was good everyone cracked up. The main reason this was funny the teacher told him not to take his shoes off but he still did. But everyone know it was going to happen.
Zach Anderson
6/7 period

Lauren C. said...

Lauren Chidester 4-5

Most people have "bloopers", or failures on many occasions, mostly gym class. This one time, I recall, during gym, or any time, I would usually get hit by something in the leg or the head. At a trampoline park, we were playing dodgeball, so a kid decided to aim at my head, twice. I wasn't really mad at that kid, but it did hurt when a ball was thrown by full force and somehow hit my forehead, lucky for me, I didn't wear my glasses that day. These fails are funny, to me, because it reminds me of everyday life. It can happen at any moment at any time. It's espically embarrassing when it happens in public or when someone takes a photo/video of that moment in time.

Unknown said...

Bloopers are only humerus for their rarity and timing. I have witnessed a few myself. In the gym there are columns that almost reach the ceiling in every corner. Mr. Annan had taken the health class to the gym to play kickball against the 6th graders. Tyler Hayes was up to kick. He had his best pair of Jordans on. He swung, and off came one of the jordans to land safe and sound on top of the column. He looked around, trying to find his shoe, only to find the rest of the class laughing and pointing at the top of the column. He fell on the floor so sad the he had lost his shoe. So the gym substitute gaot a shuffle-boarding stick, stood on the bleachers, and knocked it off. The shoe was so covered in lint and fuzz you couldn't see the actual details. I don't Tyler really cared though. I think he was just relieved to have both shoes back on his feet.

Kerrigan Greene 6/7

Unknown said...

Actually I can share something that has happened to me. In 7th grade gym class we were playing 2 hand touch football. I was playing and someone threw me the ball in the end zone and to my surprise I caught it. I was so happy that I scored a touchdown. Then I literally tripped over my shoe and landed on my arm. Then I pretend like it didn't happen and laughed it off. These fails are funny because it's just not what is supposed to happen.
Ella Gregory 1/2

Unknown said...

One fail that I had in gym class was when my friend was tossing a volleyball with me. My friend hit the volleyball hard and it hit me below the belt. This is funny now but it didn't feel good at the time. Another fail that happened was when I was in T-ball. My dad was helping coach and he put the ball on the tee for the next player to hit. He wasn't paying attention and our player hit him with the bat when he wasn't looking. He hit the ground and everyone was laughing. After that day he always made sure he paid attention when people were hitting.

Unknown said...

Bloopers are something that happens but is most of the time funny.. At the time it may seem embarrasing but then once you think about it you realize how funny it actually is. I play baseball and basketball and have had many in both.. One time in 6th grade the time was running down on the clock and everyone was yelling shoot so i paniked and threw the ball behind my head at the basket.. Thats just one of the things i can think of. I can remember one time during a game against North Marion a dog ran onto the field and juked some kid out so bad he made him fall.. The kid did not come back in later. Even the pros make bloopers its just something that happens. Its something that brings fun to the game. Even in one of the world series in baseball a ball was hit and hit the outfielder in the head and bounced over the fence and counted as a homerun to win the world series. That wouldve been very embarrasing. Bloopers can come in many forms but we can all say weve laughed at then afterwords.

Unknown said...

One of the funniest things that happened in gym class was when a student tried to play basketball with me and my friends. The reason this was funny was because he didn't even know how to dribble the ball. He didn't know how to play basketball but he wanted to play with us. A funny moment that happened with one of my friends is Zach. We were at Cedar Point getting ready to ride the fastest roller coaster. We were both excited and when it was getting ready to start he yelled at me to put my head back which you should probably do if you're riding the fastest roller coaster in the U.S. I look back at this and laugh every time and laugh.

Riley Green said...

Funny mistakes happen all the time. Take just today, for instance, when I was watching a wrestling match during practice. The two were going back and forth, and everything was pretty serious. Then, all of a sudden, one wrestler accidentally pulled the other wrestler's sweatshirt over his head! He started yelling, and was stuck for a couple seconds before he pulled it all the way off and the match restarted. Later, we all laughed when he came to me and asked what happened. "One minute my hoodie was on, the next it wasn't!" he told me. It was funny, because it was unexpected and it made him run around like a chicken with its head cut off for a few seconds.
Aidan Green
6th/7th period

kiara cosby said...

One of the funniest things that have ever happened to was when the school girls' basketball team had practice. We were scrimmaging, and Rebekah Jenkins, and I had to guard each other. So I had got the ball, and was getting ready to come up for a layup, and Rebekah comes out of nowhere, and hits my shot. We all started laughing even I had started laughing because it was funny. When your on a team, and you scrimmage you don't get mad that another player had hit the ball, you laugh, and joke around about it. These fails are funny because when somebody gets hurt, or hit in the head with something, or even just plain falls its funny because your watching somebody else get hurt, so for you its sort of funny in a way because your not the one who's getting hurt.

Unknown said...

A couple years ago, I had some friends over and we were using my tennis racket to bounce the tennis ball off of the side of my house. One of it hit it, honestly it was probably me, and it went over the house, rolled down the roof, bounced off the top of my car, and rolled across the yard into our neighbor's lawn. It took us ages to find it and we were laughing the entire time.

Carly Miller 4/5

Unknown said...

I have some stories of funny fooyball fails. I have seen people get hit in the face many times and get injured in funny ways a lot. One fail was me shooting a basketball and it came off and hit my brother in the face reaaly hard and that was so funny. Another one was when I was playing soccer and I shot it and it hit off the goal post and hit my sister in the head really hard. These are funny because its something to make me laugh out loud and have a smile on my face.

Unknown said...

Bloopers are funny moments. Everyone has bloopers, including famous people. On TV shows they show blooper episodes. Those show funny moments from behind the scenes. Onetime we were running our warmup lap at cross country practice. Tyler ran up to Bella and shoulder checked her onto the pavement. She like flew 3 feet way from where she was. That was all we talked about the rest of practice. She didn't get hurt, she even laughed. It was a really funny moment and we all stopped running because we were laughing so hard. It was funny because everyone was laughing and Bella wasn't hurt.

Kate McPherson

Unknown said...

Bloopers and fails can occur when you least expect them. On most occasions, someone is getting hurt or embarrassing themselves. The victim is usually able to laugh it off and make it a joke with the others. A fail that I witnessed was when I was about ten or eleven. My friend Olivia and I were outside with Brophy riding my scooter. Olivia decided she wanted to ride all the way down a semi-steep hill without stopping. Brophy and I stood back and watched as she began to ride down the hill. Olivia suddenly flew off the scooter and landed on the ground. She had a few scratches but still laughed with us about it.

Sydney King 4/5

Unknown said...

Bloopers and fails can occur when you least expect them. On most occasions, someone is getting hurt or embarrassing themselves. The victim is usually able to laugh it off and make it a joke with the others. A fail that I witnessed was when I was about ten or eleven. My friend Olivia and I were outside with Brophy riding my scooter. Olivia decided she wanted to ride all the way down a semi-steep hill without stopping. Brophy and I stood back and watched as she began to ride down the hill. Olivia suddenly flew off the scooter and landed on the ground. She had a few scratches but still laughed with us about it.

Sydney King 4/5

Unknown said...

I've seen many fails and bloopers while being on sports teams and such. Sometimes they happen with your friends, in front of an important person, or by yourself. One of my favorite moments happened earlier this year. Bailey, Sydney and Sophia sat across from Chloe and myself. Sydney was about to take a bite of her apple when Bailey reached her arm across towards Sophia. Instead of taking a bite of her apple Sydney took a bite of Bailey's arm. I then fell out of my seat and Bailey laughed so hard she almost peed her pants. One mess up can lead to many more failures and bloopers when it comes to my group of friends.

Leah Shaw 4/5

Unknown said...

I have seen many bloopers and failures in my life because playing soccer the since i was able. one of the many failures i have seen was this past soccer c=season when one of my teammates named Catty was a defender. As Catty was trying so hard to get the ball out of the goal box that she accidentally kicked the ball backward scoring the other team a goal. This fail was funny because it got the other team a goal and Catty's face got so red with shame and embarrassment even thought we tried to comfort her.
Sophia Jordan 4/5

Unknown said...

Bloopers and failures happen all the time. On Sports Center they have a part of the show based on bloopers called "Not top 10." Most are funny, but sometimes someone can be seriously injured. They are always better if you are there in person to witness them. In my life I have encountered many. I play basketball and baseball and both sports have had funny failures. One time in 4th grade we were playing East Park and my friend caught the ball and dribbled to the other basket and shot. Luckily he did not make the shot and we got the ball back. Everyone was laughing even the referee.
Bryson Flowers

Nicky said...

Many sports related failures ascend to the comedic level every day. I probably have dozens, but I can only remember one in particular. It was Kohl's Cup 2012 and my team had been undefeated the entire tournament. Unforntunately this meant we had to play the also undefeated Yellow Jackets. They were huge. For being in the 9 and 10 year old bracket they were monsterous. They had two big defenders that could boot the ball 2 fields length. We had been worn out from the endless waves of games early on that day, but we didn't give up. I was driving down the field and caught a breakaway. It was just me and the defender. I see him wind up to swing upon my ball and I pulled my move off, but that meant that I moved into the danger zone. He swung and he hit, but the ball remained moving. It was my groin that suffered the kick.

Nicky Keefover 4-5

Unknown said...

So for one time, the school was going to some kind of field trip, and I forgot to turn my permission slip in. Because I had to stay back, I basically just socialized with my peers for about seven hours in the gym. People were playing some kind sport that involved a ball when an anonymous person threw a ball at my face and broke my glasses. After asking if I'm okay and replying yes, everybody started laughing because of my face. To this day, I still not find that incident funny. However, why I think it is funny for the apathetic is due to pain generally being funny. That's why many sitcoms have turned from a cool, laid-back guy protagonist that can come up with comebacks and catchphrases for everything to complete losers who are jerks.