Thursday, August 4, 2016

Dave Pelzer on Larry King

How has this book affected you? Be specific. Cite examples from the book.


Unknown said...

A "Child Called It" was disgusting sad story of child abuse, and makes you wonder why, why would anyone have the mindset to do this to another child. Was it because of alcohol, mental issues, or was it because she down right hated her own son. No one will ever know ,however, this story can teach you multiple life lessons. For example, When Dave Pelzer was getting beat up, poisoned, or neglected what did he not do. He did not give up, he did not give in, and he did not end his life like many other child abuse cases. So what did this story teach me? This story taught me to always have hope and to always persevere because one day that once dark dark hole you were in will turn into a beacon light for other people to reflect upon.

Unknown said...

David Pelzer's story was very horrific. Because of his story we now have laws against child abuse. He now helps people in their darkest times. He has also written a biography explaining the horrific things his mother did to him. He teaches people about being resilient and overcoming adversity. He believes that if he can overcome 12 years of abuse by his mother he can overcome anything in his life. When he was in foster homes he attempted to call his brothers but was unable to because of his mother. He teaches his own son to see the best in people and raises him the way he wanted to be raised as a kid.

Unknown said...

David lived a very terrible life that he will never forget. He lived 12 years of his life, not being able to get away from his mom. His mom was a very abusive person. He grew up to his mom drinking all the time. From his mom putting his arm on the stove to stabbing him. He hates his family letting her do this to him. His family watched their mom do this to him and didn't care. Today he still has scars and bad memory's of his mom. Also how the first 12 years of his life were terrible.He today doesn't believe in child abuse at all.

Abby Tomana said...

This novel has effected me on a emotional level. As we were reading a ''Child called it'' as a class together there were a few times I was on the verge of tears from how detailed it was. Everthing thing written in this novel is enough to make you sick. I feel terriable for any child that has or is currently going through this. I personally think the sickest thing David Pelzer's mom did to him was poisining him. One thing that stood out the most is David's perseverance. Dispite the diffulty of his childhood he never gave up on surviving. David told himself that the only way his mother would win her game would be when he died. He made an oath for that to never happen. When David was set free from his mother at age 12 he was taken to a foster home. Later on in life he got married and had a son. He taught his son to always try to see the good in people and raise him the way he never was. To this day he does not promote to any source of child abuse even though it was all that he was surrounded by for 9-12 years.

Abby Tomana
6th and 7th peiod

Unknown said...

"A child called it" was a horrific book. I can't believe someone could beat their kids and have different and cruel "treatments" for them. David was abused most of his life, and I'm sure he wanted to die. How his mother starved him, and made him sleep downstairs was so mean. I've never seen someone make their kid drink Clorox and ammonia. That's pure evil. The book was sad and I felt completely bad for him and I hated the mom and the family more and more. David shouldnt have been treated so portly. Everyone in the family was crazy, and they will not be making it to heaven. Nothing but child abuse and that's not okay. Everything that happened to David though, made him stronger as a person and now he has a good heart.

Tiarra sharp 4/5

Unknown said...

A Child called "it" was a very sad book. And I will remember reading it forever. It is so sad to think that somebody would actually do something like that. It was horrible what the mom did to her son. She had so many different punishments she tortured Dave with. Some punishments were the bathroom treatment, the stove punishment, the gas chamber, and she would starve him for days upon days. One time she starved him for 10 days. This book showed me how lucky I am. And it is so sad to think that Dave was treated so terribly at such a young age
Avery Rohrbaugh 6-7

Unknown said...

A Child Called "It" was a great book about a horrible thing. It will definitely remain imprinted in my mind and heart. I will continue to remember the terrible rhings that happened in that book when David was just a young boy. He was neglected and abused by his own mother while his father sat and did absolutely nothing. Dave was burned on the stove, forced to drink ammonia, and many other harsh unacceptable punishments. I cannot believe anyone could do anything so obsurd and evil to someone let alone their own child. Child abuse is totally ridiculous, she did not just hurt him physically but mentally and emotionally. She make him look at himself in the mirror and repeatedly say he hates himself. Eventually, David did start hating himself and everyone else but himself most. This book showed us the horrible reality of child abuse.

Zyiah Bailey

Unknown said...

Dave Pelzer's story was very horrific. The life he lived was horrible and he will never be able to forget it. In the book " A Child Called It " David was abused and neglected by his mother. His father did not do anything to help him. A few of the punishments were being burned on the stove, looking in a mirror and saying he hated himself, and also being forced to drink ammonia. She would also starve David for a prolonged period of days. Once David did not eat for 10 days. I can not believe that people would do such a horrible thing to innocent children. Child abuse is not a joke. His mother did not only hurt him physically but also emotionally and mentally. This is something David will remember for the rest of his life. By reading this book it made me realize how lucky I am for everything and everyone in my life. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Sierra Flowers
6/7 period

Unknown said...

Dave Pelzer's story was very terrifying. In the book "A Child Called It", he was abused and neglected. Dave was forced to wear the same clothes for a very long time. He was burned on a stove and forced to drink ammonia. She would starve David for ten days and make him eat separated from the family. His mom made Dave look in mirror and say that he is a "bad boy" and that he hated himself. His story will always have a place in my heart, knowing that it is happening to innocent children everyday. Dave fought through the abuse and is now a comedian and author. This story makes me realize how lucky I am to have a mother that is loving and caring. I don't think I could handle the struggle that David had.

Riley Green said...

"A Child Called It" shocked me over and over again while I was reading. The reoccurring question I had was, "How could a mother do this to her own child? What's interrupting the natural motherly bond she has with her child?" After reading and discussing the book, the class decided that the mother was an alcoholic, and suffered from some kind of mental illness. She probably had schizophrenia, and was seeing an altered reality. In her twisted reality, David needed constant inhumane punishment. "A Child Called It" made me extremely appreciative of my parents and my struggles. The things I go through are nothing compared to what David was forced through. Dave's daily life compromised of him fighting for his life, like when he was trapped in a gas filled bathroom, or when he was stabbed and his mother refused to take him to a hospital. My daily life compromises of me wondering how much homework I have, or when practice is going to be over. The things I find difficult look like child's play to Dave.
Aidan Green
6th/7th period

Braydon wells said...

Braydon Wells 4/5th

"A child called it" was a breathtaking nonfiction autobiography where a boy was abused for 12 years of his life. Just like yesterday he still remembers how his mother abused him. All heartbreaking things she did to him. Like making him throw every week, eat his brothers poop, and burm him on the stove. The most likely cause of this is from alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is when someone drinks a lot of alcohol and can control their thought process. But after a while his mother thought it was fun so she did when she wasn't drunk. Then it became worse and worse. Luckily his nurse realized what was happening and helped him by calling the police.

Unknown said...

This book has affected me in many ways. One of the ways is knowing how bad child abuse can get. Child abuse wasn’t being taken that seriously back when Dave was young. After his story came out to the public, it had to be taken seriously. Now, if you are caught doing child abuse, you’ll go to jail with many years behind your back. Another reason on why the book has affected me is on how child abuse was taken back then. Back in the 1900ish, no one cared if a child was abused. It was just common, so no one cared.

emily pitman said...

The book has definitely affected the way I see child abuse. In the book "The Child Called It" the kid was treated terrible and now I know child abuse can be horrifying. I have no idea how a mother could do that to her own child that shook me up so bad and in many ways. The life he lived was absolutely terrible and horrific. I will definitely remember reading his book because of how disgusted I was to hear about David Pelzer's life.

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It" has influenced me. It made me realize the suffering that people, even children, go through. The book helped me understand how common and harsh child abuse is. The book has also influenced how I act towards others. Every time I feel like I want to judge, be rude to, or be mean to anyone, I think about how many innocent kids suffer when they didn't even do anything. That makes me realize that I should't do what I feel like I want to do. When other kids at Dave's school made fun of him and made sure he knew that they didn't like him, it was like he was getting a second beating right after getting away from the first one. I don't want that to happen to anyone, but the only thing I can do about it is to be nice to everyone I come across. This book has greatly influenced me and I hope it has had the same impact on you.

Ella Broadhurst
6/7 Period

Logan Zuchelli said...

In the book "Child Called It" it tells the reader of the terrible story of David Peltzer. David grew up with an abusive mother who was also an alcoholic. Many people in the world could not go through what he had to live his first twelve years of living. From the age of about two years old David was beaten and starved. From being hit to being stabbed David was very mistreated. No one should have to live their childhood the way he did. There were no child abuse laws at this time, so his mother wouldn't be charged as bad. David's story is one main reason why there are child abuse laws today. Today David has a son of his own and is trying his best to give him a better childhood than he did.

Logan Zuchelli

Unknown said...

Dave Pelzer's childhood story is very brutal and emotional. In David's book, "A Child Called It," it describes the pain and abuse he want through. It is hard to believe that David was able to survive for 9 and a half years. His mother's personality changed drastically. She would lock David in the bathroom with a bucket of ammonia and Clorox. She would also make David eat poop, and she even stabbed David. David's ability to persevere and his determination stood out the most. David Pelzer's story was the most brutal child abuse story in the state of California.

Jayden Richardson 1st/2nd

ZaQuan George said...

A child called it was a very sad cruel story. What Dave's mom had done to him with the punishments was just cruel and uncalled for. Dave had gotten so many punishments like the gas chamber , stove treatment, mirror treatment, and how she would starve him for days. He had to try to survive every day this book makes me think how lucky I am. With the loving parents I have and the people that support me that didn't dave as a child and I will never forget this book. said...

David Peltzer had a very hard life growing up. He was brutally beaten and torurted. David had to live through this hatred and David had courage and strength to survive. His mother made him sit on a stove and she tried killing him . Also his mother tried killing him numerous times by drowning him in a bathtub. David had to live through this his whole life and he overcame his motherland her abuse. She was a very sick woman that he had to live with..I remember in the story that his mother locked him in a bathroom and made him drink ammonia. When we look back at all of this nasty stuff it was terrible.

Unknown said...

A Child Called It definitely made a lasting imprint on my mind. This was a horrible situation that a child like David should have never experienced. I can't imagine what kind of excuse you could possibly give to explain why you would do this to such a young child. And if this isn't the worst case of child abuse in history I would hate to see what was. David Peltzer was stabbed, burned over a stove, starved, and socials isolated by his insane mother. This story makes me thankful for all the things that I have because it could be a lot worse.

Khyree Morris said...

Dave pelzer wrote a novel called "The child called it." Dave Pelzer was a boy who was abused when he was a kid. He was abused by his mother who was an alcoholic. She would beat him, choke him, and try to kill him. Once she stabbed him and tried to burn him on the stove. Because of Dave Pelzer's story there are now child abuse laws in America. This story has affected my life because it taught me how kids are really abused. Now that I've heard about children being abused I want to do whatever can to make sure they're not.
Khyre Morris
1/2 period

Kierstyn Ensminger said...

This book totally has had an ever lasting imprint in my mind. It scared me because I never thought mother would do that to kid. Like how David's mom put him in the bathroom and played the gas chamber game. Because of David's bravery we now know that not everything is the way we steam. Thanks to David we have child of abuse laws. Now after reading the story I feel sorry for everyone who's been abused or mistreated. This is how the book called "the boy called it" affected my life.
Kierstyn Ensminger 4-5

Unknown said...

A Child Called It was sad and depressing. When we live in a home with loving parents and family, it never dawns on us that some children really live lives like this. They have no one to care for them or do things with them. In the book, David is abused by his mother, but his father does nothing to stop it. He is punished by saying he hates himself, he was burnt on the stove and his mother did things to try and kill him. Because of the life David had to live, we now have child abuse laws in place. Even with these laws in place there are still parents or grandparents that still treat their kids like they mean nothing & are a waste of time. I'm thankful that I have a mother and step father that love me. I still get in trouble and threatened to being sent to Mountaineer Challenge Academy, but I know they love me and they don't beat me black and blue.

Unknown said...

A Child Called It was sad and depressing. When we live in a home with loving parents and family, it never dawns on us that some children really live lives like this. They have no one to care for them or do things with them. In the book, David is abused by his mother, but his father does nothing to stop it. He is punished by saying he hates himself, he was burnt on the stove and his mother did things to try and kill him. Because of the life David had to live, we now have child abuse laws in place. Even with these laws in place there are still parents or grandparents that still treat their kids like they mean nothing & are a waste of time. I'm thankful that I have a mother and step father that love me. I still get in trouble and threatened to being sent to Mountaineer Challenge Academy, but I know they love me and they don't beat me black and blue.

Abby Tillema said...

The book "A Child Called It" was a shocking and vivid autobiography. Its descriptions of child abuse were horrific, and it made me sick just reading about it. Dave Pelzer was only 2 years old when his mother started abusing him. It started with simple punishments, and then escalated to uncontrollable abuse. He was burned, stabbed, starved, and treated in unimaginable ways. This book has made me appreciate everything that I take for granted. Some children don't get new clothes, or there isn't food for them at dinner. Some kids don't have supportive parents that always push them to do there best. I am very lucky to have these things, and I am so thankful for everything that I have. Not only did this book make me appreciate what I have, it also makes me want to help others who are in situations like Dave's. I hope it impacted others the way it impacted me.
Abby Tillema
4/5 period

Unknown said...

The "Child Called It" really moved me and opened my eyes to what goes on around me every second of the day. All I wanted to do was help him throughout the whole book.When she stabbed him I wanted to put her in jail.This story was gut renching when the father would not do anything for Dave,and brought up horrible feelings from David toward his father.David must have had to be extremely brave,I know that I would not be able to tell that story if it happened to me. I want to know what he did to make her so angry, and I think I have figured it out. I beleive that the mother hurt David once because he was bad, and then kept hurting him over and over because she found joy in violence and in hurting David. She would burn, cut,beat,drown,choke,freeze,hit,kick,starve,etc. she would also play "games" and "fake out" Dave.David Pelzer was an abused child who broke free,with the help of school faculty,and he was strong enough to survive and brave enough to tell his story to help other children.
Eden Williams 4th-5th
period class

Unknown said...

A Child Called It was a good way to interpret child abuse through a terrible story. Every time we'd read about David being poisoned, starved, and making it known that he was coenistent was enough to make me imagine the horrible pain he went through, and something that will never leave my mind to this day. How she treated him had to be the worst kind of child abuse I'd ever read in a book, let alone hear of, but it lets you know it does exist, and something to be aware of. I think the worst thing I read is when he was poisoned, and almost burnt alive on the stove and was forced to watch it all happen. I'm sure seeing it made him very tramatized, and makes you wonder, since he came from a family background of abuse, would he abuse his own son? Apparently, from what we know, he hadn't, and he managed to have a good heart. Now he spreads awareness through his famous biography a child called it, and makes speaches towards the people of the world spreading awareness.

Unknown said...

"A Child Called It" is a horrific story about child abuse. It tells the story of David Pelzer and all treatments he had to endure. This amazing and sad book showed me how cruel people can be and how fast they can decide to do something harsh. It opened my eyes and now I am able to see what some kids' reality is. The book seems almost fiction because of all of the punishment and abuse. Also because it is almost unfathomable that someone could in act this torture upon someone else let alone their own child. This great novel showed me how to always persevere and to not give in to all of the negative and cruel people in the world. Some more examples of how awful David's childhood were that his father saw what his mother was doing and didn’t stop her. David's brother also gave in to his mother and later on was part of the abuse. Although the physical abuse was tremendously bad like the stove treatment, gas chamber, the mirror treatment, and also starving him half to death the mental abuse was also horrible. The mother scarred his mind with awful and hateful words. David grew to hate everyone and himself, but he got through it because he is a fighter. This book shows how far people can go to make people feel pain. This book will always be with me and the message it sends to the readers.

William Burns 1/2 Period.

Unknown said...

Mr. Pelzer's book "A Child Called It" is an eye opener and a bird's eye view of what took place in his life and takes place in the lives of abused children. His mother turned to alcohol to numb herself from things that had happened and were happening around her and then took her anger out on her own child. While he had two other brothers, she selected him to be the brunt of her actions. I found it disgusting when he talked about her burning his hand and arm on the gas stove and stabbing him. What I find most admirable about David Pelzer was that he was able to rationalize what happened to him and not spend his life as a "victim". Luckily for him, teachers and a school nurse were willing to put their jobs and lives on the line to rescue him from his mother and her continuous abuse. He has turned the negative into a positive by writing this book and also being a motivational speaker where he relates his experiences and how he was able to deal with them in a positive manner.

Ariel Stern
Period 4/5

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

"A Child Called It" is a disgusting book about a the worst child abuse case ever. This book was before they made the child abuse laws. In the book the boy named David gets abused. Some ways of being abused includes, a "Gas Chamber", not eating for days, getting burned on the stove, almost being drowned, and many more horrendous punishments. He began getting abused when his mother became and alcoholic. Sometimes his brothers would also abuse him. His only hope to get away from the punishment was when his father was home, but eventually his father moved away. He began to lose hope and took the punishment. The next year he got saved. He moved away from his abusive mother!

Kate McPherson
1/2 Period

Unknown said...

The novel "A Child Called It" follows Dave Pelzer, a young boy who has an exceptionally corrupted relationship with his mother. Throughout this memoir, Pelzer guides the reader through the downward spiral of his horrible childhood years; from getting the corner treatment to being shoved feces on his face to being literally locked through a room of ammonia. In the end, Pelzer finally does get rescued from his sadistic mother. When I first read the story, I was in total denial that something so horrible as this would ever happen. From all the mental, physical, and emotional suffering this boy went through, I initially compared this to my own life. I recollected that my family would do anything for me. I recalled how no matter what they would do the absolute best they possibly can for me. This why "A Child Called It" affected my respect for my parents and other relatives for how generous they have been over my lifetime.

Unknown said...

"A Child Called It" was a very hurtul and a horrific story. This act between him and his mother is a big part of how child abuse came into effect with the law in America. Before, you could do whatever you wanted to your child. This novel makes me feel how lucky I am to have such good parents. Maybe you get put in time out but at least your mother didn't break your arm! Dave Pelzer probably went through one of the worst experiences growing up as a kid. Actually, Dave Pelzer did go through the worst. No matter what happens to me, I could never feel what it was like to be tortured by your own parents. My opinion, the worst part was him not being able to be loved by his family. This novel was very hard to take in and think about while in class.

7-8 period

Unknown said...

A Child called "it" was a very sad book. And I will remember reading it forever. It is so sad to think that somebody would actually do something like that. It was horrible what the mom did to her son. She had so many different punishments she tortured Dave with. Some punishments were the bathroom treatment, the stove punishment, the gas chamber, and she would starve him for days upon days. One time she starved him for 10 days. This book showed me how lucky I am. And it is so sad to think that Dave was treated so terribly at such a young age

Emilio Maset 6/7

Unknown said...

This is a tragic news story. His own mom beat him and starved him for the longest was 14 days. He wrote 5 books he hates the way his mom beat him at the age of 4. So now he does motivational speeches against child abuse

Unknown said...

A Chiled Called "it" was a very sadifficult and emotional story. This was about a child named Dave who was abused.He is the main reason why even have child abuse laws in the US. This book showed me the life of a child who was abused. It has made me feel grateful that I have a loving family. Many of us think getting yelled at by our parents is bad, but compared to this it is nothing. His mother stabbed him and starved him. He never got new clothes because she thought he was a "bad boy". It really breaks my heart that a child had to go through this. Dave never lost hope and I am happy he could.

Unknown said...

I feel that the book "A Child Called It" has affected me in that it has taught me to be strong and confident in myself and not let people force me into a corner. The book taught me, strangely enough, that I do have a voice, although some may think my opinion or life experiences small or insignificant. I've learned that I can survive the most troubling and stressful times in my life and come out on the other side even stronger. I can stand up for myself and not let people walk all over me or push me over; I can and will push back or otherwise try to outsmart the person. David has inspired me by writing this book; imagine how horrible it would have to be to not only live his experiences, but forever have them stuck in your brain, never to be forgotten. Just imagine having to relive your mother telling you to sit on the stove so she can watch you burn or being stabbed in the stomach by the one who should care for you most. It amazes me that he's able to prevail through all of the abuse his mother put him through, like brainwashing him into hating himself or starving him for days on end, and still be able to talk about it and use his experiences to help others. Even in the darkest times, the human spirit will triumph.

Taya Sullivan, 4th - 5th

Unknown said...

David Pelzer was the reciver of the worst abuse know in the U.S history. He was stabbed, burnt on the oven, starved, and put in a bathroom with deadly chemicals all of these was done by his mother. One situation this would make depressed about everything in life is when his face was smashed into the glass mirror and then he would have to look at him self for hours, and made him think about how discussing he looked and how he was such a bad boy. Anther situation is when he was forced to eat out of the dog bowl, this would make me feel very left out in the family. Also I would feel like a human with no soul and no life. David is lucky to be alive today and he teaches people around the world about what he went through and how he over can it.
Zach Anderson
6/7 period

Unknown said...

This book has made me realize the evil all around us. From the way that his mother treated him to the way he father couldn't help. This book was disturbing because of the irrational punishments like the gas chamber. I couldn't imagine a life like this being real but we know this is a true story. This makes me greatful that I don't live in a home like this; makes me thankful that I live with a family who loves me.

Leah Shaw 4/5

Unknown said...

"A Child Called It" was a disturbing book to read. The book was very descriprive in David's abuse. When David's mother was puting David's arm over the stove, I was very sick to my stomach. David's abuse happened before the laws of child abuse were made; the book made me very glad they were. The book also made me very glad we have the CPS to help kids like David. The book also made me feel very lucky for the parents that I have.
Sophia Jordan 4/5 period

Unknown said...

This book has had a very large effect on me. It has given me a whole new outlook on under privileged kids. For example, in the story David had an old worn out shirt that he wore to school everyday and he didn't exactly smell the greatest. He was made fun of for this. Kids didn't realize how his life was at home and the impact that their opinions had on his life. That is why my outlook on under privileged kids has changed.

Angelo Manzo 4/5

Unknown said...

This book has definitely changed how I see child abuse. It is much worse than what most stories tell. This book went into detail explaining the hardship of being abused. For example, the gas chamber was one of the worst things I think. Nobody should have to experience that horrible action. David is an inspiring person to everyone and he has changed my look of child abuse. This book makes me want to end all abuse of anyone. I think this book has inspired everyone to try to make a change about this terrible thing.
Aaron Kovack 4-5 period

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It" affected the way I saw child abuse. I knew it existed, and I knew it was terrible, but the books graphic and vivid detail really showed just how horrible child abuse is. Experiencing it through that detail, the way that books often make you experience whatever they're describing, helps show how important stopping child abuse is and how indiviuals are affected by it. The book "A Child Called It" has showed abuse in a whole new light in a way that no one should ever have to experience it.

Carly Miller 4/5

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It", affected me by showing me how terrible child abuse actually is to what we think how it is in a very well written and descripted way. Dave Pelzer, the author of the book, tells how he was abused by a child and how significant it was and how he was pretty much completely brainwashed. For example, David's mother would make him stand in a front of a mirror saying he was a bad boy over and over to make him think that it is all his fault why he gets abused. Furthermore, the book written by Dave Pelzer made me rethink about child abuse and how messed up some people are and how one person can cause so much damage and ruin one's life.

Olivia O'Connor 4th/5th period

Lauren C. said...

Lauren Chidester
This book told a story about a boy who was abused, burned, stabbed, starved, and more. When I read the part about the oven treatment, I asked myself, "Who would do this to their own child?" Then he got starved, then he was abused more. It was horrible when he had to disaffect his own stab wound from his mother. No normal person would do that. That's why we have Social Services to help children, but he had to liar to them to protect his own mother that abused him; it didn't help because he was brained washed.

Unknown said...

The book, "A Child Called It', reminded me of what goes on in our world today. It reminded me of what some children come home to every day. It showed me how lucky I am to have a family that provides for me and loves me. It reminded me of how privileged I am for what I have and to never complain about what I do not.

Alisha Hayhurst 6th/7th period

Chloe Johnson said...

The book "A Child Called It" was a very horrific book. I will always remember how this book affected me. I will also never forget all of the things that happened to Dave. It was horrible what the mom did to her son. All of the punishments for no reason, and his father just sat there and watched. Some punishments were gas chamber, stove punishment, bathroom treatment, forced to drink ammonia, and starvation. Dave's mother would not feed him for days and days. One time she starved him for 10 days. This book showed how lucky I am and how horrible child abuse is. It reminds me of how people go through this everyday.
Chloe Johnson 6/7th period

Unknown said...

A child called it was a very disturbing book to read. This book was disturbing because of the irrational punishments like the gas chamber. This book was very descriptive about David's abuse. When David's mother was putting his arm over the stove, it made me sick to my stomach. I could not imagine a life like this being real. This book made me feel lucky that I have the parents I have.

Unknown said...

The book A chiled called "It" was truely disturbing to read and to comprehend. I will always remember the things that happened to Dave as a young child. Dave was only a child and could not do anything to stop his mother. His dad was just as bad as the mom for sitting around and watching. All the terrible things that happened to this boy he held it together somehow. Put yourself in his postion and you would not know what do do or where to go. Once you think things are going wrong in life just think of the life of Dave Peltzer. I am very lucky that I have not had to go through what this brave young child went through.

Unknown said...

The book a child called it was one of the most disturbing books i have ever read. Daves mom was the worst mom up to date.Why would one hurt a child so much. daves mother in the book made dave get on the stove and she burnt him. Also in the book daves mom made him eat poop from his little brothers diaper.Dave is now a great man and he is a smart one to. said...

This book was terrible to read. The child, Dave Peltzer was treated horribly by his alcoholic mother. His father wasnt allowed to leagally be in the United States so, he couldnt do anything to stop her. The dad was gone most of the time though. I knew child abuse was bad but you dont realize how trerible it really is. You want to knock some sense into the parents too. Dave was the only one being treated like this, his mother could have picked anyone of them and she picked David.

Unknown said...

This book affected me greatly. I could not believe the horrific acts performed on the young David Pelzer. It opened my eyes to the forms of abuse that you may not always see happening but are present in the world. The detailed, graphic descriptions made me sick to my stomach. The book makes me greatful that I have parents that take care of me and love me. Dave's mother treated him horribly for no apparent reason besides that he was a "bad boy". For me the most disturbing was when she drunkenly stabbed him and then proceeded to not take him to the hospital. This is what makes me feel very lucky for the family I have. I'm very thankful that Dave was rescued from the awful home he lived in. The laws put in place to protect children greatly changed the country we live in.
Sydney King

Unknown said...

This book affected me a lot. It showed me how bad people can be in this world. The stuff that his mom did to him were horrific. It almost made me cry during the book. I mean there is stuff like this that happens to people close to were I live, It happens everywere and it makkes me sick. That these type of people would do this to a person so ypung of age, It's unbielivable. The most horrific part was when he got burned on the stove. He was very strong though cause he didn't want to show that she was winning. Another part in the book was when his mom made him eat poop from his brothers diaper. I was amazed at this point in the book at what he has been through. David Pelzer is now a very smart man today. He has a son and loves from his haert and sole. He cares for him everday of his life. He does not want this to happen to anyone else.

Unknown said...

David's story of his life showed me how herricic his life growing up was. The actions caused by his mother taught him to look out for himself and learn what harsh life he was actually in. Knowing his life made me feel sorry because of what terrible actions were brought upon him growing up as a child. He made this book to show us how his life was and how he didn't want his past to effect anyone else. Without his mother knowing most of the time, he was winning. Even if David isn't that smart he is still a wise inspiration for children around the country to stay safe and not be miss treated. His life story has told many people that he doesn't ever want to see anyone be abused like he was.

Unknown said...

The book has affected me in many ways. It showed so much of what can happen to someone. It showed to me and i was sad to hear it and surprised.His mother beat him a lot. She just woundnt stop the beatings. His dad never helped either. He just watched him get tortured. He almost died. Kids all arounds the world are still having problems. This usally happens if the parents were beaten as a child so they take it all out on there children.

Brenden McFarland said...

Reading this book really showed me how great life really was. It can teach you to stop complaining of how you got it bad because Dave was the one who actually got it bad. He got tortured by his mother daily and his father just left him. Dave pushed through it and eventually survived and was rescued by a police officer. His story should be spread as it is truly inspiring.
6/7 period

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It" was a very horrible and sad book to read and even think about. This book expressed how bad life can get just a home and how it affected things at school and everywhere else in life. This book affected me by showing me that things like this actually happen in the world and it's not made up. I learned to not take things for granted and appreciate the amazing life I have. For the most part I do take life for granted sometimes and now I've learned that there are way worse situations out there unlike my typical "you can't go" situations. All in all, I believe that this book was horrible and I've learned that I was given this life for a reason and I'm going to make the best I can of it

Unknown said...

Ella Gregory 1/2

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It" was a heartbreaking story about a boy who was abused all his life. This book gave me a whole new perspective on life. I realize now how many things I take for granted. I am so grateful to have the things that I have because there are always people out there that are like David. David is living proof that people can be horrible. But he is also proof that people can be strong. Everyone fights their own battles. Some may say that his is a little worse. And maybe it is. But just take a minute and think. This could be anyone around you. This is why its important to take things away from this book. Every word has meaning. A lesson.

Kerrigan Greene 6/7

Nicky said...

I believe that the novel "A Child Called It" had many examples of bravery.It gives you a disgusting and graphic story that is to horrible to be made up. Dave may have been killed multiple times by his mother yet he pressed on trying his hardest to not let her win. She may have won some battles, but he won the war. His first victory came with the stove incident where he stalled until his brother got home.Dave was beaten, gassed and starved yet he never gave in. If Dave Pelzer can win you can too!

Though it is a story of achievement it still brings up bad and horrifying things. The ending leaves you satified, but the story has you broken and it shouldn`t be any other way. Nobody has the right to take away the hardship that David overcame he survived through hell and nobody has the right to say it didn`t have flame.

Nicky Keefover
4-5th period

Unknown said...

This book effected me because it was so horrific and I feel I would've died. I know now I have it nice and easy. My punishments are not even close to as brutal as his was. I just feel very sad for him and anyone else that have it that brutal. Like I said again I think I would've died. He was burned on top of a stove the worst I got was getting spaked 10 times that is not close to as hard as humor anyone else.Then his mom called him IT now then I didn't want to read anymore. All in all no one should have it as hard as Dave Pelzer did.

Kirt Drennen 6/7th period

Unknown said...

The book "A Child Called It" was a horrific account of child abuse. Before reading this book, I knew of child abuse, but had no idea it could become this brutal. This story told accounts of neglect and abuse. More specifically, it told of starvation, beatings, burns, poisoning, and freezing. Dave Peltzer was made to endure all of this. He was burnt of stoves, poisoned with homemade mustard gas, and even stabbed on an occasion. He suffered through mental, physical, and psychological abuse. It is a miracle that he has not been affected by this terrifying childhood as an adult.

Emma Hedrick
4/5 period

kiara cosby said...

The book "A Chilld Called It" was a sad story about horrify things that happened. A child was abuse and treated like a punching bag, and that's not how you should treat children especially if they are little. The story had great amounts of abuse and neglect from it, and how Dave Pelzer was treated as a child. The book had an effect of me because out in this world there are many other people that are doing the same thing to there own children and it's not right. I don't feel like it was right how Daves mom knew she was abusing and neglecting him and still continued to do it its wrong as a human being and as a mother.Like when she put the burning rocks on his back or stabbed him as a mother you should never do these type of things to your child.

Unknown said...

A Child called "it" was a very sad book. And I will remember reading it forever. It is so sad to think that somebody would actually do something like that. It was horrible what the mom did to her son. She had so many different punishments she tortured Dave with. Some punishments were the bathroom treatment, the stove punishment, the gas chamber, and she would starve him for long periods of time for maybe even weeks. It's very sad to think that someone could put a child through pain and starvation like that over and over and over again it's really sad.

Kieshawn Cottingham
6/7th period

Unknown said...

"A Child Called It', was a depressing story. The book was about a boy named David who was abused by his pathetic mother. After reading this book I now have no reason to complain about anything. It really made me understand how lucky I have it. This story was the saddest I have ever heard, but sadly it's a good thing this all happened. Today we have tons of child abuse laws that prevent kids from getting harassed like poor young David did. If a kid got put on a stove today like David did the parents would be in jail for a long time. I still don't quite understand why David's mother only abused him and not his other siblings. David's mother was a sick woman with no heart. She really made me feel thankful for the great parents I have.
Bryson Flowers